Piney Hill IR50/50 3 gum and UL Feb 18

bob finger

New member
Next Saturday, Feb 18 we will hold an IR50/50 3 gun match in the morning and 3 card UL SOTY in the afternoon at Piney Hill Benchrest Club in Luray VA.

I plan to be there by noon on Friday Feb 17 for anyone who wants to practice etc. Hope to see many there. Long range weather forecast looks terrific. Last month we had a nice turnout and good scores. Lets do it again in Feb. bob
I have a couple of questions for you. What is the address and what guns do you shoot? What is the fee? I have a couple of farm boys that would like to come and shoot. We are coming from Culpeper. thanks
PaulC2: The Piney Hill club has no specific address, it is part of a farm. If you go to that will give you directions to the B&B which is directly across the road. Instead of turning into the b&b, turn south into the driveway of the two poultry houses. We are the house further from the road.

Next Saturday is 2 IR50/50 matches. In the morning we shoot one card each with the sporter, 10.5 and 13.5 pound rifles. In the afternoon we shoot 3 IR50/50 unlimited class cards as a separate match. Fees are about $20 for the morning and about $20 for the afternoon. If unfamiliar with IR50/50 rules I suggest you go to the web page and read the rule book. Rifle class and shooting procedure rules etc are quite detailed. Here is the link to the IR50/50 page; In addition, Piney Hill has a bolt action only rule. If the bolt cannot come out of the rifle, it is doubtful the range master will allow it in the barn even with a chamber flag. Hope this answers your questions. bob
Thanks for the info. I am hoping to come Friday afternoon. I have a factory savage with black wood stock. It's a tactical model with a fluted barrel. According to the weight and what I read in the rules I think I should be able to shoot in the sporting class. Has anyone else shot this particular rifle? I also have a rifle for the 13.5 rifle class. Just thought I would come for the fun of it. Do you have to enter in all three classes? thanks
PaulC2: You asked "Has anyone else shot this particular rifle" You would know better than anyone. If you bought it new have you allowed someone else to shoot it? If you bought it used, then unless it was "new in the box" the answer is obvious. edit: If you meant that model of Savage rifle; no sorry I'm not personally aware of anyone shooting one in IR50/50.

No,you can enter just sporter, just 10.5 etc etc. A few actually shoot the sporter in more than one of the weight classes. IR50/50 Club matches do not recognize agg winners,it is by card. Bring your rifle(s) and bench set ups on Friday and we will help you get your feet wet. bob
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Don: I read the question literally. I'm not a mind reader. But, because you asked I offer a more reasoned answer. bob
Thanks for the warm welcome today, hope to make it back tomorrow. Looks like I am going to have to sell some cows so I can buy a rifle to compete with.
Next Saturday, Feb 18 we will hold an IR50/50 3 gun match in the morning and 3 card UL SOTY in the afternoon at Piney Hill Benchrest Club in Luray VA.

I plan to be there by noon on Friday Feb 17 for anyone who wants to practice etc. Hope to see many there. Long range weather forecast looks terrific. Last month we had a nice turnout and good scores. Lets do it again in Feb. bob

Hi there, how was the turnout...??? Who actually won the shoot, who came in 2nd and 3rd...???

Was there anything new and interesting in equipment...??? Appreciate any info...Thanks