Piney Hill indoor nationals IR50/50 results Yards



Piney Hill Indoor IR50/50 Nationals 3 gun yards

Sporter 3 250's
1st Carl Boise 250-20X Carl tied the record set yesterday
2nd Bill Pippin 250-17x
3rd Joe Oates 250-15x Joe is a junior shooter

10.5 pound 10 250's
1st Ken Camper 250-22x
2nd Dennis Drake 250-19x
3rd Wendell Dean 250-19x

13.5 pound 12 250's
1st Ken Camper 250-21x
2nd Robert Oates 250-20x
3rd Wendell Dean 250-20x

2 gun ag
1st Ken Camper 500-43x
2nd Wendell Dean 500-39x
3rd Tony Harper 500-35x
4th Sam Saunders 500-33x
5th Tim Miller 500-32x

3 gun ag
Champion Joe Oates 749-51x And remember, Joe is a junior
2nd Tony Harper 749-48x
3rd Ken Camper 748-63x
4th Bill Pippin 748-56x
5th Dennis Drake 747-48x

We had 28 sporter shooters and 35 shoot the bigger guns.

For those interested in such things Joe Oates shot a Hall sporter, Broughton barrel, smithed by Smith and eley and he shot a Turbo with Shilen barrel smithed by Calfee using Eley ammo. Both guns were 12 oc pins.

Meters tomorrow. Tune in later for final results. bob finger
With out a doubt, Joe is going to be a force to be reckoned with. All the practice when he was younger, is paying off. Congratulations Lil Joe