Piney Hill Indoor 3 Gun Nationals - Sporter Results 3/20/15




You have probably read or heard about the very sad occurrence this morning as we were getting ready to start the 1st relay. Woody Atwood, a long term competitor at Piney Hill and a very close friend of many of the competitors had a heart attack just prior to the start of the match. He was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and passed a short time after his arrival in the hospital. Many of the folks that live near Piney Hill thought so much of Woody and it was just a very emotional day. My heart goes out to his very close friends.

The following is a picture I took of Vickie's Computer Screen for the Sporter Results. I enjoyed shooting the little rifle but I performed about as badly as possible. Not once but twice I double shot bulls on two different cards. One of them cost me 10 points and the other cost me 3! Hopefully tomorrow morning will be better when we have the 3 gun yards match.

I would like to congratulate Mike Poole, Carl Boise and Tony Harper our first, second and third place finishers for their excellent marksmanship!
