Piney Hill final results, indoor nationals IR50/50


bob finger

Piney Hill indoor nationals IR50/50 meters and agg results

1st Tony Harper 250-12x
2nd Carl Boise 249-16x
3rd Bruce Doster 248-17x

10.5 pound meters 6 250-s
1st Tony Harper 250-20x
2nd Wendell Dean 250-20x
3rd Bill Hinegardner 250-19x

13.5 pound meters 4 250's
1st Sam Saunders 250-20x
2nd Carl Boise 250-17x
3rd Dennis Drake 250-16x

2 gun agg, meters
1st Tony Harper 499-37x
2nd Bill Hinegardner 499-35x
3rd Ken Camper 499-33x
4th Bruce Doster 499-31x
5th Wendell Dean 498-38x

3 gun agg, meters
1st Tony Harper 749-49x
2nd Bill Hinegardner 747-51x
3rd Bruce Doster 747-48x
4th Joe Oates 745-50x Remember Joe is a Junior
5th Bill Pippin 745-47x

4 gun agg overall
1st Ken Camper 999-76x
2nd Tony Harper 999-72x
3rd Wendell Dean 998-77x
4th Bill Hinegardner 998-68x
5th Sam Saunders 997-71x

6 gun agg overall
1st Tony Harper 1498-97x
2nd Joe Oates 1494-101x
3rd Bill Hinegardner 1494-98x
4th Ken Camper 1493-109x
5th Bill Pippin 1493-104x

The referees signed five sets of targets as potential new records for the agg totals.

Thanks to Bill Hinegardner for putting on a superb match. To Vickie and Inez Myers for the scoring and accounting duties, to all who chipped in to help in any way a big Thank You!

To all the shooters from 7 states, some as far away as WI, AR, GA, AL etc thanks for putting all that time behind the wheel to shoot. You helped make it a grand time. bob
Very nice shooting all, and a big congratulations to the winners.
Tony, does the hat still fit?