Piney Hill ARA Results


Bill Myers

What a terrible weekend for shooting,Good thing we were indoors,We had a lot of shooters cancel because of the snow all around us,We had rain & plenty of it,But it was ok inside the Barn.Fred & Dorthy came from Texas,Charlie & his wife came from Kansas,We did have 18 shooters both days,Roger & susan came from Factoryville Pa,I think that they out ran the Snow,Dana & Todd came in from Ohio ahead of the snow.The Club champoinship was won by Wendell Dean with a 2289 raw agg,He shot one 2450 & 2 2400,Todd Wooten was second with a 2266 agg,He also shot a 2450. Third was myself with a 2223 agg.Tony Blosser also shot a 2450 target.Wendell won the Benchmark 6 groove Cut rifled barrel. After the rain on sarurday it turned cold,In the Teens, & the barn was harder to shoot in today,We only had one 2450 shot,It was By Dana Aumend,Tony Blosser won the Agg today with a2212,I was second with a 2191, & Roger Von Ahrens was third with a2187.Rogers Rifle was not shooting on saturday,So we went over to my shop & Semi Glued it in the stock on saturady night,It was working today,so i musta done something right.Tony won the Rifle case That Danny Killough donated & we are gratefull for his Support,Charlie Scott Brought some of the Lapua Exact ammo & we bought test lots & tested it on Friday,I was hopeing that it would not shoot good,because at 20.00 a box,it did not want any,Well it flat shoots as good as any ammo that have tested,no one used it in the Match,because it is not out on the market yet,But Charlie said,Sometime in april. Thanks to all that made the trip.Fred Will be takeing the results back to Polly in Texas & she will Post them on the Website,I hope that i have not forgot Any thing on any one. BILL
Congrats to the winners and all that were there. It appears those that were there had a good time. Glad to see the Exact tested good for those that shot it. Am curious to see how The BM 6 groove shoots too.

It's good to see those that contribute back into the game.

Take Care,
Hey Bill,

First Congratulations to the winners! You guys shot some great targets this weekend.

Sue and I had a great time down at the match. Thank you for inviting us down Bill. And I'll tell ya, I'm glad you talked me out of using the 5 minute epoxy from Wally World to glue that stick of mine back together. She worked well Sunday!!

I must say that you guys have built a great facility there, Sue and I can't wait to come back down and shoot with you folks again!

Al, please thank your wife again for that corn muffin recipie, and tell her next time where down there we'll take her up on the coffee!

Thanks again,

Congratulations to all. I only wish I had been there instead of working. This work stuff is getting in the way of my shooting. See you soon. Jim