Piney Hill ARA Feb 10-11

bob finger

New member
Weather forecast is encouraging for the scheduled ARA matches at Piney Hill on Feb 10-11.

So please join us for some ARA fun and competition. A new agg record was set last month by
Don Kowalsky and he shot a 2500 card. Congrats Don

Friday Feb 10 Piney Hill will be open mid morning for practice etc. A 4 card
match will commence at 5:00 PM with registration open about 4 and bench draw
about 4:30. Cost is $20.

A few have asked me to consider an earlier start time for the Friday matches. We will discuss
perhaps starting at say 3 PM for future Friday matches, majority vote of those present will decide.

Saturday Feb 11 Piney Hill will host a 6 card match with a fee of $40. Registration opens at 8:00 AM,
draw benches about 8:30 and we will commence fire at 9:00 AM.

No food service either day. Please eat before and or after or bring something to snack
on. Coffee, water and soda are always available.

Show up and shoot if you can. bob