Piney Hill April 7th


The last indoor IR50/50 match of the season is scheduled for Piney Hill this Saturday- April 7th. Just like last year we're planning a free chicken lunch.

The weather doesn't look great right now but the forecast has been changing every day. Even if we get snow the roads and parking lot should be clear. The ground is pretty warm. If the forecast gets much worse we'll think about cancelling.

Stay tuned for more updates.


The forecast is very fluid. Yesterday morning they were calling for 8-12". When I went to bed last night it was down to less than an inch. Thursday morning it's 3-5". Right now (Thursday 11:00 am) the decision is to go ahead and leave it to shooters whether they're comfortable driving.

it's been so warm this week and will continue to be until Saturday that I can't imagine we'll see much of anything sticking.

Hope you can make it!
