Piney Hill 3-Gun VA State Indoor



Piney Hill 3-Gun VA State Indoor will be held February 16 at 9 am & February17 at 8 am. The range will also be open for practice on February 15 at
9 am. Lunch will be served on the 16th & 17th.

Pre-registration is encouraged. Contact Bill Hinegardner at or 540-476-1070. Thanks.
Looks like the weahter will be good .

The food will be fine also.Country ham potpie,Fried tenderlloin sandwich,s,dog,s,burgers and fries.Not to sure about what else but anyone who has ever been there before know,s we,ll take care of that sweet tooth also . I,ll have food on fri.evening also.I know gas and amo. is high,but you just as well get used to it and come over and have a good time.After all that was one of my favorite pig,s.And I hate to see it go to waste.

Al and Darlene