Pillar bedding


Jeff B
I own a couple of anschutz rifles. They both shoot well. I was thinking of having them bedded. Am I wasting time and money or will this help improve the accuracy of them. One is a br50/2013 and the other is a 1913.i want to get the most I can from them. If this is worth while any suggestions who or where to have this work done. :confused: Thanks, Jeff b
Jeff: Proper bedding is likely only surpassed by good ignition. There are several who can do a superb job of bedding your rifles. I'm hesitant to name just one, its not fair. A search of these forums will reveal many recommendations. bob
It's a little harder question than it sounds. The 2013 has a four bolt mount that is problematic. There is one school that advocates converting it to a two bolt mount and others that say that the floating system with the rubber spacer should be left alone. If you stay with the four bolt system, tuning can be done with tension on the bolts, but it is weather sensitive. I'd guess that the majority of the 54 actions used in BR are bedded.
In your general neck of the woods call Tom Meredith from TM Stockworks, he's as good as anybody in the U.S.