Piedmont Gun Club 100yd 200yd match results


Tommy Williams

IBS Score Match Results 100/200
26 April 2008

100 Yd

Warm-up Buster Long 50-5

Gerald Wright 250-22X
JR Waters 250-21X
Glenn Williams 250-20X
Ron Collins 250-19X
Don Ross 250-19X
James Coffey 250-18X
John Bruhn 250-17X
Mike Outlaw 250-17X
Henry Rivers 250-17X
Eddie Walker 250-16X
Buster Long 250-16X
Johnny Lorick 250-16X
Mike Rippyey 249-16
B.L. Basden 19-0X triger/bolt issue
200 Yd

Warm-up Ron Collins 50-2

Henry Rivers 250-9X
Mike Outlaw 250-9X
Ron Collins 250-7X
JR Waters 250-6X
Gerald Wright 248-11X
Johnny Lorick 248-8X
Eddie Walker 248-5X
John Bruhn 247-5X
Mike Rippy 247-5X
Glenn Williams 246-6X
Don Ross 245-6X
James Coffey 244-8X

Henry, and Gerald, and thanks to everyone who came out to support Piedmont. Now for an interesting turn of events. We had one shooter who expressed his concern about the shooters on the East side of the range being at a disadvantage (for some reason?). It is interesting that (3) out of the top five at 100 yards, (4) out of the top five at 200 yards, and the winners of both yardages came from that side of the range. Go figure.

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Looks like some pretty good scores for a tough range. I've only shot there once, and it isn't an easy range to shoot.