
We are changing the schedule at Salem. There will be one more stand alone Air Rifle Benchrest match, the NorthEast Regional on June 29-30. Beginning with our 5/18 match, all of our remaining weekend matches are cancelled. We will shoot a sanctioned USARB scoreline match every Wed. evening starting at 5:30pm alongside our Rimfire BR shooters. There will be a limited number of benches available for us to shoot Air Rifle BR with the RF shooters at their monthly weekend matches. I will post announcements for those matches a week or so before the match. I cannot guarantee more than 3 benches will be available at these matches but their could be as many as 8. First come, first served and I'll do my best to coordinate with Pete Roberson, our RF BR MD, to determine how many benches will be available as far in advance as possible. There are 6+ benches available for AR BR at tomorrow's (Sun.) match.
As the President of the club, I cannot justify announcing in advance that the range will be closed for a match only to have to cancel the match because of lack of interest. This wasn't an issue before this year with our small membership, but the one thing we can thank our current NY Dictator...oops, I meant Governor, for is driving people to join up at their local gun club!
Todd Banks