Phoenix expands the world of benchrest with new twist



Coed Naked ... no just kidding.

For the last four months we have explored a hybrid of events here at the range. We have been shooting Benchrest Silhouette. It's a new twist, where we take all the precision of benchrest and change up the target a bit with some 1/10th and 1/5th traditional silhouettes taking it all the way out to 100 yards. Unlike the speed rounds seen at the Extreme, where its timed, this is all about precision where every shot counts. The way it works, Four 5 minute rounds. Ten shots per round (no sighters). One shot per animal. 40 Shots total. Each shooter is assigned a starting animal and relay.

This is certainly not the traditional paper punching we are all used to around here... however, its a blast getting that kinetic reaction, and to change things up a bit!

With all the hard work from Dave Litt, one of our Event Directors, he has made this new twist an exciting alternative to paper that we all long for on occasion.

If you are around this Saturday, the show starts at 0830. Come Join us!

Here are the details...

DISTANCE: ( m = meters )
All but Extreme Class: (1/10 scale) Chicken-44m, Pig-44m, Turkey-60m, Ram-60m
Extreme Class: ( 1/5 scale) Chicken-77m, Pig-77m, Turkey-100m, Ram-100m



1) Any air gun .177 up to .22 cal., OVER 20 ft/lb.
2) Two peace rest. Rear rest bag type only.
3) Bi-pods allowed.
4) Any commercial air gun pellet allowed.
5) No air charging during 5 minute round.


1) Any air gun .177 up to .22 cal., UNDER 20 ft/lb.
2) Two peace rest. Rear rest bag type only.
3) Bi-pods allowed.
4) Any commercial air gun pellet allowed.
5) No air charging during 5 minute round.


1) Any air gun .177 up to .22 cal. No power limit.

2) Two peace rest. Rear rest bag type only.
3) Bi-pods allowed.
4) Any commercial air gun pellet allowed.
5) No air charging during 5 minute round.


1) Any air gun .177 up to 35 cal. ( No power limit )

2) Two peace rest. Rear rest bag type only.
3) Bi-pods allowed.
4) Any commercial air gun pellet allowed.
5) Air charging allowed during 5 minute round. No tethering.
Looks like fun!

Do you use the standard size air rifle silhouettes? Which size is the standard air rifle sihouette.
What kind of scores for PCP Unlimited and for Piston. We have a string resettable air rifle set we can use. The open guns, in much is less wind than you show in the nationals video give us consistent hits on a 1 inch spinner at 50 yards. That's a Bench rest 7 or 8 at the outer edge. We have protected area that causes major shifts in wind direction and velocity cause by trees.

This might bring some interest for some piston guys and we could sneak them into paper at 25 meters. On these resettable targets we have target damage on the chickens with 30 to 35 ft lbs at the muzzle. I would have to see what my 30 ft lb. BM500 does to the chickens.

I will see if some of our guys want to try just the chickens for fun. One of the Texas Field target Clubs had a long range match with silhouettes mixed with Small kill zone FT animals between between the silhouettes at unknown distances using sitting position mostly rim fire size silhouette targets.

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