Phoenix "Benchrest Silhouette" Results ... New twist takes flight!


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The Bench-rest Silhouette match on Nov 29, 2014 had a great turnout with 16 shooters. The match started pretty much on time. About 9:10 am. Ended about 11:15 am.The day was beautiful with variable winds. The event went smoothly. Simply a great time by all. Thanks to all that helped set-up and cleanup.
There were entries in all classes. First place Standard Class went to Larry Nelson with 36 knockdowns out of 40. Great shooting. Second place went to Allen Surratt close behind with 35 knockdowns. Also, with 35 knockdowns in third place went to Larry Cofield. The tie breaker was determined by first missed. Also, another tie between Cal Winbush with 25 knocdowns and Brian Miller. Tie breaker determined by first missed. First place Heavy Varmint Class went to Ray Perron with 17 knockdowns. Second place went to Andy Picard with 9 knockdowns. First place Springer Class was Warren Bissonnette with 5 knockdowns. First place Extreme Class went to Mark Bouchard with 25 knockdowns. Second place went to Ben Spencer with 15 knockdowns. First place Junior Class went to 7 year old Collin Hastings Jr. with a 9 knockdowns. Awesome! Great shooting and congratulations to all the shooters.


Congrat's to all the winners. A big Tip-o-the Cap to First place Junior Class winner 7 year old Collin Hastings Jr. Great job Collin.....Franky
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