Phoenix Benchrest sees new records!



Today's event saw some of the greatest turn out we have ever seen for our monthly local match! Today we had 27 shooters attend! What a great showing. The morning started off with providing a large tin of JSB pellets to each shooter, and that followed up with waters available to all, courtesy of AoA. Greatly appreciated. Mark Buchanan, brought a full arsenal of Rapid Air Weapons to show including the .357 cal. What a hammer! We welcomed Matt, who traveled out from California with his 9 year old son... who by the way scored, I believe, the best Junior score we have ever had... 722-16X... Impressive! And today we also had an impressive record breaking score from Mark Bouchard shooting his spring gun breaking the seven hundred barrier with a score of 702-10X. Congratulations! The springers had a good showing with five competitors. We also welcomed several observers who will be returning next month with newly purchased rifles. There were several new shooters that showed, making the 1 hour trip from Casa Grande to join.
Scores to be posted on our website soon!


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27 shooters is quite a turnout and 5 springer shooters. Would love to see some scores on the USA Scoreline.
Great Turn Out!

How about a showing the equipment used. Maybe some with similar equipment may come and play.
Thank you

A handshake to you!! Good shooting Mark!! and congrats to the JR shooter! Pete

As I've written before, you inspired me to excel so I would not embarrass myself next time we shoot against each other. I should add that that gentlemen from Temecula provided a bit of inspiration as well following their kind words when I shot an above average score with them. They also taught me some stuff I used yesterday. Last but by no means least, a number of folks here in Phoenix have been rooting for me to show what can be done with a spring piston rifle in bench rest competition.

Of course, if you are a loud mouth (like I am) shouting that there should be a reconstituted spring piston class (as I've been doing), it is best to put up or shut up.

I must fess up however and say that although I had recently established a spring piston competition score of 700 for myself using a current production rifle, I didn't think I'd achieve my goal for at least a year or two. Hence, the wind gods (small g) favored me a lot yesterday while cocking, and cocking and cocking my Walther LGV.

Cocking, and cocking, and cocking? Hmmmm. Perhaps Phoenix has bee rooting so they could see me cock myself into a coma during a match.:confused: