Greetings shooters,
Please see the website for the benchrest match results and pictures!
We yet again cant complain about the most perfect weather that was experienced at this match.
Today’s shooters totaled 41 total. Thirty five in our 25m Benchrest and six in the 100m.
As the morning unfolded bright and early our Match director was running a little late after stopping to help a puppy that got hit by a car on the main road to the range. It looks like it will be ok. Once registration opened, a flurry of participants arrived. Registration closed at 0900, and the match started around 9:30 after all the targets were prepared.
We had some guests travel from far away. Matt L. made the trip all the way from California with his son. Steve Smith, and a few others made the several hour trip from Green Valley in southern Arizona. In, addition many others that I can’t remember.
We are proud to see that we have shooters routinely driving over an hour to make it to the matches.
The Matches went smoothly, with light and variable conditions. with the wind coming head on, for some challenging wind tricks.
After the matches ended, scoring was swift and results were returned to the group in just over an hour. That breaks down to 105 targets, (2,625 bulls) all scanned, processed, and completed in just seconds per target. (About 40 seconds each for those counting in your head)
We are still working on target development for the 100m matches. We used our standard targets but hand scored them this time.
Please see the website for the benchrest match results and pictures!
We yet again cant complain about the most perfect weather that was experienced at this match.
Today’s shooters totaled 41 total. Thirty five in our 25m Benchrest and six in the 100m.
As the morning unfolded bright and early our Match director was running a little late after stopping to help a puppy that got hit by a car on the main road to the range. It looks like it will be ok. Once registration opened, a flurry of participants arrived. Registration closed at 0900, and the match started around 9:30 after all the targets were prepared.
We had some guests travel from far away. Matt L. made the trip all the way from California with his son. Steve Smith, and a few others made the several hour trip from Green Valley in southern Arizona. In, addition many others that I can’t remember.
We are proud to see that we have shooters routinely driving over an hour to make it to the matches.
The Matches went smoothly, with light and variable conditions. with the wind coming head on, for some challenging wind tricks.
After the matches ended, scoring was swift and results were returned to the group in just over an hour. That breaks down to 105 targets, (2,625 bulls) all scanned, processed, and completed in just seconds per target. (About 40 seconds each for those counting in your head)
We are still working on target development for the 100m matches. We used our standard targets but hand scored them this time.