Phoenix Airgun Club Holding Off-Site Benchrest Event in Green Valley AZ



Next month's 25m and 100m match, has been bumped from our normal shooting weekend due to the big 3-gun match. All other weekends are occupied by other events. So this month we will be doing some creative re-arranging!
Hearing this FUBAR of the schedule, Michael Schlesinger (who drives up from green valley every month) has invited our club to come down to Green Valley for the day to shoot. I think it is a great idea! This gives us the opportunity to share the sport with our friends down south. They are having their Benchrest event a week after we normally do.
So here are the changes in the line up:
We are moving our FIELD TARGET match up to the 2nd. (our normal BR shoot)
We will head down to Green Valley for a match on the 9th. (our usual FT weekend)
There will be a 25m BR match and Silhouette mach! There won’t be a 100m match down there.

So… start planning your trip NOW! This is exciting, as they are inviting us to join them for some out of town fun!! Please email us if you are planning do join us down there. They need a head count. They will be serving lunch too!

It could be done as a long day trip, but there are hotels in the area for the weary.

Below is some info about the match.

We would start with practice
at 9:00am and the event would begin at 10:00am,ending at 12:00 if there are only 20 shooters. If we have more than 20 shooters we will run 2 relays,with lunch being served at 11:30 until everyone has a chance to eat. The second relay would run from 12:00-2:00if it is necessary.

The Bench rest Silo event will begin after conclusion of the 25 yard event, There will be no practice session . There will be a 15 minute time limit per round.The event will be 2 rounds of silo’s set at 20,30,40,&50 yards and 30,40,50,&60 yards. Each distance will have one of each animal,1chicken,1pig,1turkey,&1ram. Each shooter will have 16 shots per round with a scorer verifying shots and knockdowns.

The cost would be $15.00 which will include lunch and beverages.

Looking Forward to the event.

