Perfect for every situation

Interesting idea.
It would probably help a lot if they had some photos of the different stages of action working or a couple of video clips.
Probably a great idea in places where a person is limited in the number of guns they may own, but it likely costs more here than most would be willing to pay for a hunting gun. Most hunters here are either out for birds or pronghorn, deer, elk, etc, and don't need the shotgun barrel or two rifle barrels of possibly different calibers. Nobody wants to drag extra weight around especially up and down hills or mountains, and I'd bet this puppy wouldn't be too light.

Neat idea though.
Some years ago a local guy showed me a "Drilling" he had. He became somewhat upset when I offered him $100. for it.....
Some years ago a local guy showed me a "Drilling" he had. He became somewhat upset when I offered him $100. for it.....

Joe, he probably had the Drilling as a WW II souvenir. We were fed the propaganda BS that Hitler took the Germans guns. If he did why had this Drilling not been confiscated?? The truth is Hitler only took guns from a certain group of people. I can remember enough of our neighbors in the community that brought back enough guns taken from German homes to prove they did not have their guns taken. This comes under LIE # 256.32 titled lies told to US in the US!!!
A firearm whose time has come and gone. The Germans had all sorts of multiple barrel long guns. Drilling, Bockdrilling, Buchsflinte, Dopplebockdrilling, etc. You name the combination, they tried it. I once owned an expensive Drilling. A beautiful gun, but like any hybrid, a compromise at best. Clumsy as a shotgun, clumsy, inaccurate and heavy as a rifle. Did I mention clumsy?


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british too

had a four barreled 3 were shotgun and 303 rifle on bottom; looks great over the fireplace but I like to hit what I shoot at