Percision target



Question? what do ya all think about changing the IBS 600yd target to only the score rings. After the 5 ring there would be nothing but air? This would elminate all the groups out on the edges of the paper that were not intended to be there. This is supposed to be a percision sport not a luck one. This target would eliminate alot of problems for the scoring and refree crew's. Your either in or your off. This target would identify the real shooters for that day in the conditions of the day. why don't we have record targets in relation to X count

Let me get this straight. You want a round target? No border, no place to write shooter/relay information all the while moving the stick pins closer to the middle of the target so more of them will get shot. Is that what you're proposing?
As far as using or not using the X count. We go by what the rules say.

Question? what do ya all think about changing the IBS 600yd target to only the score rings. After the 5 ring there would be nothing but air?

So you'd need to staple the target in how many places? And to help shooters get back on target, you'll tell them their shots seemed to hit "air" about 1 MOA left and down? And the target maker would need to re-tool to make round targets instead of square, or the range would need to cut the round portion out of the square portion? Those cuts would need to be made with "percision" too.

And the "real" shooters -- God knows "real" shooters NEVER shoot off the scoring rings -- would be evident vs. the pantywaists who happened to miss a wind switch or mis-dialed their scope adjustments or ...

I think your idea stinks. :rolleyes:
You can still use the square target, but anything outside the 5 ring is counted as off. As far as the wind blowing 1 to 2 moa and blowing the bullet off, well 1) apprently you did'nt shoot your condition and 2) Sorry about your luck. But no that's ok, I aim center and hit in the border of the target to the right with 5 shots with a group. Let's say 3" group. Ya I'm the man alright. Let me go tell my friends that i can shoot 3" groups at 600yds but hope they don't ask the magical question of where on the target did you hit. As far as X count's, well rules are made to be changed as you have demonstrated in the past.

I seem to remember a day at the Nationals in SD that most of us would have been struting around showing off a 3" group, if only we had kept all our shots on paper.

Yea I wrote some agenda items and the required number of shooters signed it and vote for the change. Have at it.

While i only shoot in Australia , we shoot the same target and rules that you guys in the US do .. That said the rules would have to change to a score only match for your proposal to be warranted , at present there are 2 areas that a person can strive to be good at ,1 is group shooting and the other is score .. While this exsists i would vote to keep things the way they are , i think someone from your country has said on more than once*Score pays the same as group* ..JR..Jeff Rogers.. ps i like em in the middle also but for new guys a bigger target is a good thing
Wonder if this guy would complain if, after the rules were changed, he shot a record outside the scoring. Would he want it to count then?
No Joe, you would'nt hear me complain like others would. Just like you said, it's outside the score rings.