pellet lube 5ws



Hello, I am new to web. Could someone tell me what to use to lube pellets and how? Much appreciated.
I have the best success with Krytec chain lube (bicycle chain). Liquid or airosol. Wet a paper towel with the Krytec, place some pellets in the middle and roll the pellets back and forth.
I use the same as Don, but first will wash the pellets with "Brakleen" (Green Can) by wetting a paper towel, then rolling the pellets around until they are thoroughly wet, then will place them on a dry paper towel and rolling them around again. Next they will sit for awhile on another dry paper towel until dry.
And, finally I will shack the living daylights out of a bottle of the Krytec Chain Wax to thoroughly mix in the residue at the bottom of the bottle before putting two or three drops into the bottom of an empty pellet tin, add ±100 pellets, put the cover on and gently shake them around until the wax has been evenly distributed, empty the tin ...then repeat.

I started out by trying Lube 1 as Allen Zasadny recommended, but like this method much better.

Has anybody tried Ballistol ? I put some Ballistol on a few felt pellets and fired them through my Steyr 91 and then when I went back to chrono'ing I had picked up 10 FPS . I expected the velocity to fall off as more pellets were fired but it never did.

I will try some Ballistol treated pellets next.

Lubing pellets on the higher power units is fine just be sure what ever you use does not attack the seals. Most petroleum based items are a definite no as they attack the seals. Stick to synthetics, read the label first. Krytech is very good for this purpose and is highly recommended by many suppliers and FT shooters. Shooters Choice FP1 ( I think thats the name ) is also ok. In any case wash pellets first in break cleaner or similar product that leaves nothing behind ( trying to rid yourself of any loose particulates left behind from mfg. process) before lubing.