Paul Tolvstad Test



Paul at Rock Creek has run several test on turning a barrel and then checking to see if the turning closed up the bore. I hope he will share his results on this site. A lot of time and effort on their part for gunsmiths and shooter more so than themselves. Thanks for your efforts Paul and for using the proper methods to make your determinations so far! I hope you will continue with your test and share that information with us. As always I know that you and Rock Creek are trying hard to make one of the best barrells available and your continued support to our sport is appreciated and not overlooked. Don't let people who are critical of your efforts affect your decisions or your methods! Keep up the good work.

Thanks Again
I’ll second what “Fatback” says. I admire and appreciate the efforts made by Rock Creek in both sharing data and experimenting with innovative new concepts for smallbore barrels.
I haven’t tried one of their barrels yet, but I certainly will in the near future!
