Patchworm any good for benchrest barrels



I just wonder if these are any good as they seem to do the job without doing damage. Maybe just use a rod once in a while for a thorough cleaning???
I have never seen BR shooters use a patch worm. Everyone uses a rod with patchs and some use a brush.
Go to a shoot and see what people are using and you will find rods used at every bench.
Haven't seen it used, but no reason it may not work. I would still clean the chamber to avoid a carbon ring, I use a patch wrapped around a nylon brush and give it 15-20 strokes, I'm using Isso now every couple of matches and I do the same every 2-3 targets with 50/50 mixture of Shooters Choice/Kroil and I give the barrel a good cleaning with a nylon brush and Remington Bore Cleaner, sometimes Fritz, every few months in season. Before I do this I soak the barrel with some Kroil and let it sit for approx. 30 minutes, not that it does anything special but on the theory it's getting under any lead/carbon in the barrel and helping get it out. I've been doing such to my barrel for 2 years now and it's shooting good so doesn't appear to be hurting anything from what I can tell.

I'm a newer competitor, but I have been cleaning my rifles with patchworms and liquid WipeOut and it seems to do a really good job without having to break out a rod and guide. I know everyone else uses rods and brushes and other solvents, but this seems to work for me.
I shoot a whole lot of Air Gun BR now and only some rimfire, and they, or a reasonable fact simile, are quite common with AG. Before changing over I had never seen a draw through style cleaning device used other than in adds, but I do have to say that they work great for Air Gun barrels. I have bought the Patch Works draw through for my rimfire now, just haven't gotten around to trying it as of yet.

The reason to use rods is that you can do more, easier and in less time. The Patchworm will do anything a rod will do if the user is persistent. An upside is the elimination of the much overrated rod (barrel) damage issue.