Haven't seen it used, but no reason it may not work. I would still clean the chamber to avoid a carbon ring, I use a patch wrapped around a nylon brush and give it 15-20 strokes, I'm using Isso now every couple of matches and I do the same every 2-3 targets with 50/50 mixture of Shooters Choice/Kroil and I give the barrel a good cleaning with a nylon brush and Remington Bore Cleaner, sometimes Fritz, every few months in season. Before I do this I soak the barrel with some Kroil and let it sit for approx. 30 minutes, not that it does anything special but on the theory it's getting under any lead/carbon in the barrel and helping get it out. I've been doing such to my barrel for 2 years now and it's shooting good so doesn't appear to be hurting anything from what I can tell.