Palmetto Match??????

You missed a totally crazy match ;). The wind was as wicked as I have seen at almost any match. The forecast was for 15 to 30 mph, and that was not an overestimation. Not only was there a lot of velocity, the wind was EXTREMELY unstable, switching CONSTANTLY, and swirling around :(.

Out of 25 VFS shooters only 2 stayed clean at 100 yards!!!!! It was more a question of attrition, and x's were not as important as points in this match ;).

Results were:
100 yds
1) Carl Waddell 250-16x
2) Darrell Brooks 250-11x
3) Mike Rippey 249-14x

200 yds
1) Jim Wooten 246-6x
2) Mike Rippey 243-5x
3) Henry Rivers 243-4x

Grand Agg
1) Jim Wooten 495-18x
2) Mike Rippey 492-19x
3) Henry Rivers 492-14x

Ya'll guys are taking a heck of a chance posing with the snakes and the humble one! :) Congratulations to ya on some good shooting!