Palmetto IBS May results

Jim Wooten

Just Me
Well, we had another one of "THOSE DAYS" at Palmetto today. Highly variable winds caught all the shooters at least once. Only 7 of 21 shooters made it through 100 yards "unscathed", and only 5 made it through 200 yards while ONLY dropping 1 point. Despite the challenging conditions, we had a three way tie for the Grand Agg. JR Waters won the tie breaker, and a shooter who shall remain nameless had the "UNIQUE" experience of Creedmooring himself for second :eek:.

Thanks to Jim and the Palmetto crew on another well run match.


L-R: Mike Outlaw, JR Waters, Jim Wooten, Ron Collins, and Charlie Waters, The "Palmetto Posse" (Would you want these guys in chargel of law enforcement in your town? :D)
"Palmetto Posse"

Way to shoot Guys. Looking forward to seeing y'all soon.