Pal Oil

Pete : MY order is promised to be here this Tursday . Send me a pm and I will try to get your order filled. Thanks garrisone
Hi Pete,

Hows things in the North Country? Got your head above the snow yet? :D

I had a call from Garrisone last night and also talked to the gal at Russ Haydon's a couple of days ago ( ) There is light at the end of the tunnel, both are hoping for a delivery in the next few days.

Think Spring! Al
Thank You!

Thank You all for your replies!

garrisone, I will give you a call later today.

Al, right here we only got 15" from this last one, but other places, over 50"
I haven`t been able to get a hold of Gordon so I suspect, where he is, he`s on the higher end!!
How about you, surviving these storms?
I can`t wait for spring and shooting time!!!

Hi Pete,

Yes, I think Gordon got the 50 inches or somewhere near it. After about 5 days he is still without power or phone. Just talked to Mel and he said Gordon may get power by tomorrow.

It's 41 degrees here and sunny. Crocus are blooming. :)

We look forward to seeing you at the Tom Miller. That is if the snow melts by then!

Take care, Al
GLO Industries Inc. Main Office
This is the Main Office, which contains all the official release documents for GLO Industries Inc. Here is where the full PAL Oil System Handbook and ... -

Best dam oil for cleaning your rifles and many other uses. garrisone.
Been using it for 15 years now and swear by it. Wouldn't stop for anything short of it becoming unavailable.

Best damn secret ever kept amoungst us shooters, isn't it.

Pete, I too look forward to once again shooting with you ...and how are the knees doing?

Snake oil

21% improvement in fuel economy:eek:? I think their decimal point is in the wrong spot. 2.1% is belivable, so I doubt if their other claims are true:rolleyes:.
Go to the source and ask the man who made it. Then you will know the facts about Pal oil. garrisone
Fred : I don't know if pal oil is made with sunflowers or not. I don't believe it is. Pal oil has a web page and you can go there and see what Pal oil is. garrisone.