Our northern neighbors



I'm sorry to hear that Canada joins us on the terrorist hit list.. Evil, doesn't discriminate!! Gods speed to the fallen soldier..
It is pretty sad that an Atlanta paper blames it on gun control. They have gun control in Chicago and have a huge problem with gun related injuries and death.
#1 Hand Guns "have" been controlled in Canada since about 1932 but this year that has been relaxed a little bit.
#2 Long Guns have been a bit controlled up to about 2 years ago, now there is none, don't misunderstand me, AR15's and the like are classified as "RESTRICTED" weapons, (along with HAND GUNS) but with paper work, you can own one. Fully automatics are totally banned. Is this right or wrong, quite frankly I do not know.
#3 Before I can come into the USA I have to register my firearms with the ATF. I send them a blanket invitation from NBRSA, (thanks to Don Creach) and wait about 2 to 6 weeks to get approvable. Usually about 4 days in my case. That permit is good to go to any match in the US, providing I have a personal invitation from the host to attend the match. I have to carry this paperwork to the border, (about 8 pages) and tell the Customs at the border where I am going, show them all of my paper work, and have my passport ready and maybe they might let me in. Although that usually lasts for about 30 seconds and they send me on my way. Now this paper work only allows me to go to the match. If I want to travel through the US from a Canadian source, to go to another Canadian source, it is more paper work. Bottom line, I, as a "NON-IMIGRATE ALIEN" must have paper work to show why I have a firearm in the US.
Now this paper work is good to go to a registered match, it takes longer if Sandy my dog is with me, which she is most of the time.
I have to go through a lot more paper work to get into the US from Canada then I do to own or buy a long gun here in Canada, by a long shot.
Sorry about the rant Wilbur, it's Friday, have not been for my walk, Sandy is bugging me about going, just getting over the crud, and I am hungry.
Our Northern neighbors

Firstly, thanks for making the great BR products that you do. Quality products and it's probably a pain to deal with US Customs to sell them here.
Just a thought, but you might want to figure a way to enter the US by sneaking across the southern border. If you get caught you would be eligible for food stamps, free medical care, housing, free "O" phone, drivers license, social security benefits, welfare, and if you sign up for the DNC you can probably get a machine gun from our AG Holder! How could you go wrong???
Keep safe,

SW Arkansas
It is pretty sad that an Atlanta paper blames it on gun control. They have gun control in Chicago and have a huge problem with gun related injuries and death.

Liberals love to exploit tragedies, "never let a good crisis go to waste" Rahm Emanuel..
Firstly, thanks for making the great BR products that you do. Quality products and it's probably a pain to deal with US Customs to sell them here.
Just a thought, but you might want to figure a way to enter the US by sneaking across the southern border. If you get caught you would be eligible for food stamps, free medical care, housing, free "O" phone, drivers license, social security benefits, welfare, and if you sign up for the DNC you can probably get a machine gun from our AG Holder! How could you go wrong???
Keep safe,

SW Arkansas
And free French lessons
The sad part is

a young innocent member of the Reserves lost his life for what? Nothing. This incident hits home. No matter where you are today even if you feel safe you are not. You never know what the person next to you is thinking.

What really got me angry was listening to Priminister Harpers speech after the incident. What a joke.

I would like Priminster Harper to show or prove that Canadians will NOT tolerate these acts of violence. As a Canadian I feel we are FAR from being prepared for these acts with our current gun laws. Law enforcement agencies, and our military are understaffed and under funded. If anything, a Police/Peace officer should be allowed to carry there sidearm even when off duty. They are the men and woman who are here to uphold Law and Order in our country. Unfortunately that is not the case with our gun laws. Secondly, these same people need to know that the governments and the general public are on there side and should not be held under the microscope when there side arms are discharged.

Canadians are FAR FROM being prepared. Thankfully we have our neighbors to the south. Yes I am one to thank the US Military and Law enforcement agencies for what they do and being HOPEFULLY, one of our BIGGEST Allies.

If there is anything good that came out of this, the Parlimentary Sargeant at Arms did the right thing when he went back to his office, grabbed his side arm, and filled the dead beat with lead. He is the hero.

End of my rant.

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Calvin, you are absoluteley

a young innocent member of the Reserves lost his life for what? Nothing. This incident hits home. No matter where you are today even if you feel safe you are not. You never know what the person next to you is thinking.

What really got me angry was listening to Priminister Harpers speech after the incident. What a joke.

I would like Priminster Harper to show or prove that Canadians will NOT tolerate these acts of violence. As a Canadian I feel we are FAR from being prepared for these acts with our current gun laws. Law enforcement agencies, and our military are understaffed and under funded. If anything, a Police/Peace officer should be allowed to carry there sidearm even when off duty. They are the men and woman who are here to uphold Law and Order in our country. Unfortunately that is not the case with our gun laws. Secondly, these same people need to know that the governments and the general public are on there side and should not be held under the microscope when there side arms are discharged.

Canadians are FAR FROM being prepared. Thankfully we have our neighbors to the south. Yes I am one to thank the US Military and Law enforcement agencies for what they do and being HOPEFULLY, one of our BIGGEST Allies.

If there is anything good that came out of this, the Parlimentary Sargeant at Arms did the right thing when he went back to his office, grabbed his side arm, and filled the dead beat with lead. He is the hero.

End of my rant.


RIGHT about the Sergent at Arms. I do not know what news I was watching, but it was a camera man who follow the S of A and got him getting ready and then shooting. One cool cookie. But from what I heard of his service record, I am surprised he did rip the perp's head of and piss down the hole. Canada does have some good men. Be proud of that one.

+1 david. That dude is cool as ice. So sorry to hear about the others and wish their hands werent tied like they are.
our northern neighbors

Its sad about that Soldier . An I agree about Canadian soldiers. I trained with them in Germany, They are top notch along with the English.
Fine soldiers and good men . Maybe its finally time to rethink immigration and who comes from where and why"""
Gerry, I have heard that about

Its sad about that Soldier . An I agree about Canadian soldiers. I trained with them in Germany, They are top notch along with the English.
Fine soldiers and good men . Maybe its finally time to rethink immigration and who comes from where and why"""

our Canadian soldiers as well. I do telephone work on a regular basis at Canadian Forces Base Shilo and have the opportunity to talk with the men and woman who live and work there. Many a soldiers spouse has told me how well trained they are.

In regards to immigration, I know we would all agree on both sides of the border. I know my ancestors came from Poland and the Ukraine at the turn of the Century. They came to Canada for a better life for there families. They embraced the country and freedom they were given. They not once cried that they could not bring any of there culture, laws, traditions etc..... I know i may not have explained this in the proper terms but I hope you understand what I mean.

Not like the immigrants of today. The big one being the Canadian Government caving in to allowing RCMP officers the right to wear a traditional turbin or carry there ceremonial sword. It is the little things like this that irk me.

I just find that so many immigrants are NOT thankful of the opportunity they are given in Canada or the US. They come here supposedly for a better life. Hoard every penny, and then send it back to there homeland so more family can come into Canada. Things do need to change. If they don't I hate to imagine what will become of our countries in 10, 15 or 20 years. I just hope our kids realize what is happening by our governments caving in to all the bleeding hearts.

Sorry this is getting a bit off topic. In closing it is sad that the many men and woman of Canada and the US are standing up for our countries and dying fighting a Religious battle that will never end. Yes that battle will never end.

Have a lovely evening as I continue to watch the LOVELY ladies of Dancing with the Stars.... Did I actually say that? LOL
Sad to say but the Canadian guards and the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown in DC are carrying a weapon with no ammo. Even Barney had a round in his pocket in Mayberry............... :mad:

The reason they are not allowed to carry rounds because our government, right or wrong, does not want Canadians shooting Canadians.
To give you an example, and I will hide names. Back when the people, who belonged to a group, where uprising, a friend of mine was ordered to guard the arms depot in, Whatever, to stop the, this group, from stealing firearms and ammunition, this person was told they had to stand guard overnight at this armory with "NO" firearms. The person said no way, and the people in charge, finally decided to arm this person. This person ended up with a swagger stick because it had a point on the end. This person, I guess was scared stiff the whole night and has since left the, people in charge. Now this is a "TRUE" story. Does not make a lot of sense but I had to go through this paragraph three time to hide people and places
Our Northern neighbors

Calvin & Bill,
I know that Canada like the USA has some faults when it comes to our governments but at least we can vote for what we believe is right and just for our countries. I, like most American's, sleep better at night knowing that our neighbors to the "North" have our backs and that a border of over 4,000 miles can be protected by 2000 custom agents. We have 2000 miles of border in the south can't be protected with 18,000+ agents. Evident when 60,000+ children cross over when our present morons in Washington won't/refuse to protect us.
Bill, your story on protecting citizens brings back memories when I served in the US Army reserves in the 60's and we had riots in many major cities in the US. We were told that we were going to protect US government facilities in a certain eastern US city and then told that we would not be issued any ammunition or even bayonets because we would be facing US citizens! We would be a show of force and would not need anything else. The fact that the police and others were being shot and killed everyday didn't enter the equation!

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas