Our Apologies


cook and bottle washer
We moved the site to a new server and in the process we lost some posts - maybe even some threads. We made a deal with the "experts" to sync the data before changing the DNS to make the new server "live" and they didn't keep their end of the deal. Hopefully, not too much was lost and life can continue.

If your post is missing and still pertinent, please re-post and try not to hold it against us for long.

There is really no way to know if someone can do what he says that he can, until it is too late. From my end, there was only a very brief period that the site was down. Since then, I have not noticed any problems. Thank you for all of the work that you do.

Just a heads up, not complaining, but on Saturday PM, I added pictures to an existing Classified ad that are no longer there. Just so you know it may also affected the Classifieds.
Wilbur, no apologies necessary. All of us owe you a great deal. Without you there wouldn't even be a Benchrest Central.

Best regards

Gene Beggs
I placed a for sale ad for my Weaver T-36 on 11 Aug and it was gone on 12 Aug - is it recoverable or do I need to repost it?

I placed a for sale ad for my Weaver T-36 on 11 Aug and it was gone on 12 Aug - is it recoverable or do I need to repost it?


Anything and everything that is missing needs to be reposted if necessary - it's gone. Please ignore any auto-invoices the classified software might send and again, we apologize. We got double crossed by the smart guys making the move. They didn't follow the plan. They did, however, get it moved without losing the whole deal.
Lost my ADs for Snuffy Sail Tails and Bolt holsters.....

My ADS for "Snuffy Sail Tails" and the world's best BOLT HOLSTERS are gone...DRAT, Fooey and Darn.

E-mail me @ howsmit@bellsouth.net until I can get the ADS going again.

"Snuffy" Smith
I had a hundred dollar bill posted here! Now it's gone! I'd really like to get it back! Serial No. D145556375356E. Please let me know when you can get it back to me. Thanks. ;)

I had a hundred dollar bill posted here! Now it's gone! I'd really like to get it back! Serial No. D145556375356E. Please let me know when you can get it back to me. Thanks. ;)


Based on the hundreds I've lost here, I can only suggest that you write that off to "a quality experience" - as I have done so many times.

BUT - I'll add your hundred to the list of those I'm already looking for!!!
I, most here really appreciate all of your efforts and expense that you've put into this labor of love. Thank you.