Orion electronic scoring webinar.


New member
Orion Webinar Clinics
Understanding the Match Management Process

We are pleased to announce three upcoming "webinar" clinics focusing on the basics of using Orion. The clinics are primarily intended for new Orion users, however everyone is welcome to join.

The clinics will cover the following subjects:
Customizing and adding shooters to the Shooter Database.
Creating new matches.
Adding shooters and teams to a match.
Scoring targets.
Correcting common scoring anomalies.
Printing and displaying Results.
There are three dates for the clinics. Each clinic will cover the same material. Please plan to attend the clinic that is most convenient to your schedule.
Thursday, 25 September 5:00 PM EST
Tuesday, 30 September 3:00 PM EST
Friday, 3 October 4:00 Pm EST
The clinics will be held over the Internet using your web browser. Please register in advance by emailing support@shooterstech.net with your time request. This will be

The clinics are free and open to everyone.
asked this question on the yellow also

do you or does the club or other members have a financial interest in Orion? This is not an unreasonable question given the strident advocacy of Orion.
I think it would be better to wait until after the 2015 Worlds to see which system those boys decide on using. The reason being, if they decide to go with a different system, which at this point is more than likely, it could make mandatory the use of that other system world-wide, and then having them share the cost for that new system amongst all member nations, meaning: why pay twice for something that's not all that cheap to begin with, plus having one of which deemed useless in a very short time?

Dave Shattuck

Scanner, targets and software, $1,000.00.

Hopefully, by next summer, the new board will see how worthless our association with the WRABF really is and will not have to worry about sharing the cost of software that is already developed and available.


scanner, targets and software, $1,000.00.

Hopefully, by next summer, the new board will see how worthless our association with the wrabf really is and will not have to worry about sharing the cost of software that is already developed and available.
A personal insult in some nondescript third world dialect is a charming new tactic. I prefer the more direct approach but I don't want to be banned, again. Sorry you didn't care for my opinion on the Worthless Rimfire and Air Rifle Benchrest Federation.
Sorry that you feel this way. It is not a dialect but an actual language much like English is also a language. . It is slang for saying that some things can take 9 months to find the answer for.

However, you are right I dont really care for your opinion and continious attacks on the WRABF. You seem to step into these comments regular as clockwork. Yet it seems to produce no meaningful results except show your bitterness. I am sad for you.

A personal insult in some nondescript third world dialect is a charming new tactic. I prefer the more direct approach but I don't want to be banned, again. Sorry you didn't care for my opinion on the Worthless Rimfire and Air Rifle Benchrest Federation.

Don't be sad, I am doing just fine. My bitterness stems from the betrayal of the leadership at the WRABF. Then, they simply walk away and leave shooters, match directors and the USARB to clean up their mess the best way we can. "Meaningful results" are never achieved through silence. When an organization continuously does not represent their membership properly, then it should be pointed out if any real improvement is to be realized.

Hopefully, when the torch is passed at the WRABF, the new leadership will have the integrity and character that is required. If change does not come about, don't be surprised if another international organization is formed and dedicated to air rifle benchrest shooters.

Just to be clear, I was not the one that pointed this discussion at the WRABF.

Hopefully, anyone can play this game without getting banned.
electronic scoring

Just a couple of comments. well maybe three; First off as promised by Garrett I yet have seen the polling data for the Orion system AZ Airguns started and I questioned over a month ago. Also I see the question of monetary compensation posted by jz2 for pushing Orion has not been answered. I kinda see this schooling session offered as continuation of that in your face program.
Last of all.....you kids meaning Steve and the across the pond boys that clutter this forum with your personal BS need to get a job!
You can easily contact each other personally and give us serious folks some relief. Trust me, your personal erections for each other, whatever the reason, DO NOT interest us.

Frank Tirrell
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I have decided to respond after the muse of this has withered. The bitterness of many is astounding. Lets remind ourselves that this is a sport of fun, happiness, excitement, youthfulness, etc. I can think of many. The amount of energy consumed over anger, hostility, negativity is purely a waste.

Thank you for the compliment of having "significant influence", ... Never thought I did...

This post is an informational opportunity for those that are unfamiliar with the system. The post was an email I decided to pass on that I received from Orion to the community here. There are may shooters who are unfamiliar with new technology, and this is a learning portal that Orion has decided to put on to educate the uninformed. My intention is to share this opportunity, to grow the knowledge base, and reverse the knowledge deficit of some.

It's real simple. If you don't want to attend, you don't have to. You don't even need to respond.

In response to whether this is being used for the Worlds or not is not my decision. From what I understand, Bill has already made the decision to use another form of electronic scoring, and that is outstanding. Whatever his decision is, that is not what this thread is about.

To answer he burning question that is all over the tabloids....

NO. I am not being compensated by Orion. Now, that got me thinking... With all the cow manure that has been flung from the haters, maybe I should?
What if I was? Would it matter to you? Would it change your opinion? Probably not. Think about it.

Look at yourselves. you are all grown men.

If something positive can't be said, think twice.... it might be you.

Kind Regards,

Agree 100%

I agree 100% with Frank and Garrett, for the record i have purposely not got into the slinging this time, just a short brief thanks of support, i also think Garrett's idea of the webinars is great and yes if the Wrabf decides to go with another style next year who cares it's still electronic scoring and that is the future for big events.
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Since your buddies are done slinging the propaganda and personal insults, a simple question.

What kind of compensation or remuneration is the WRABF and/or it's leadership receiving from your choice and use of this electronic scoring system at the 2015 World Championships? If other countries choose to make this system their standard, how does the WRABF and/or it's leadership benefit?


Since your buddies are done slinging the propaganda and personal insults, a simple question.

What kind of compensation or remuneration is the WRABF and/or it's leadership receiving from your choice and use of this electronic scoring system at the 2015 World Championships? If other countries choose to make this system their standard, how does the WRABF and/or it's leadership benefit?

Absolutely no compensation or remuneration, whatever the amount is to purchase the programme and USBs that go with it for each country will be split by however many countries we have at the time and they will each receive the programme. Further to this they will all get the chance to vote at the AGM after they have seen it in use at The World Championships so let's not make something of something that is not there.
Finally it's not my choice it is a Committee Recommendation.
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various and sundry

Hello to those of you commenting. I apparently started this latest contretemps by asking a simple question. I am a reporter by trade, so I'd ask this or similar ?? of almost anyone. Garrett has posted his response, which I greatly appreciate. My concern in this debate about electronic scoring is that I wouldn't want anyone to attempt to twist the stats to support a system they have a financial interest in. If someone has a financial interest, I treat their stats or data differently from an independent source as should anyone. I don't think human scoring systems are perfect, and I am fairly certain that the Orion system has its flaws. Human scoring is basically free, but if we are going to push regional and/or national organizations to buy and use an expense electronic system, I want that decision to be based on data that is as free of bias as possible. That is something I think we can all agree on.