Orders with Mike Ezell


Mike Ezell
I'm posting here to try to get word to everyone that I can at once. Due to a serious health problem with my dad, I will be running further behind than I already was with tuner and flag orders. I will fill these orders ASAP, but just want people to know. I ask that you call or email me if you have an order with me. It will be made right, I assure you..but I ask for your patience and understanding, as well as your prayers during this time. I do not anticipate the wait to be a huge deal to most people and paid orders will be filled first. For the time being, I wish to suspend orders until I get caught up and get through this. I do have about 50 tuners machined that only need filling, assembling and shipped..I have ordered parts to complete them as time allows.

Flag orders are the same way, but the few that I have near ready to ship are spoken for, and these flags are very labor intensive..so once material comes in, I'll be a little further out on getting these completed.

Once Dad gets to the point where I can dedicate a few days, I have lined up some help to allow me to catch up on all of this and hopefully, get ahead of orders, as I build them in large batches at a time anyway. The extra help will allow me to "assembly line" them, for lack of a better term. We'll be able to knock them out pretty fast. Pole orders are another issue, as my supplier has discontinued the poles that I have been using to make flag poles from. I will fill existing orders for poles to the best of my ability and not be taking orders for poles until I have secured a new supplier and/or design.

Bottom line is, I'd like to talk with anyone that has a pending order and address each one individually. I'll be at the hospital for much of the time, so if I don't answer, please leave a message and I will return your call.

As many of you know, I began a new career in real estate a couple of years ago. This has been a big adjustment period for me in terms of managing time. This with Dad, has forced me to reorganize and re-prioritize things for the time being. Real estate is a family business for us, and for me, I'm going to slow down on the real estate, temporarily, so that I can focus on my dad and family, my shooting products, and real estate...in that order. I'm fortunate enough to have a great real estate TEAM, that I'll refer business to until this is through.

I want to thank you all, throughout the BR shooting community..that I consider to be some of my best personal friends and extended family, for you patience, understanding and support now and always.

I'm not going anywhere...just trying to get back in front of things from a time and inventory management perspective and reset things at this time.

I feel like I offer very good quality products but I must apologize for the poor service of late. While words can't begin to describe how bad I feel about my dad right now, it has forced a needed fix for time management and priorities.

If you have anything on order with me at this time, please call, preferably, at at 270-792-1436 or email me at 30majorbr@gmail.com. For those of you that use email, this is a different email address than what you may have for me currently. I want to use this email address for issues concerning current orders, please. Thank you again, for your patience and understanding. All we really have in this world are our faith, our families and friends and our reputations. I need to improve my end of all of the above and am doing so right now.---Mike Ezell
Mike - Take care of your Dad. I'm sure I speak for all when I say tuners and flags aren't that important....considering.

I hope all works out for you and your Dad. The most important thing is your Dad. Under the circumstances I,m sure all will be patient and understand. Keep us posted.

Best wishes for your Dad and your family. Keep your priorities straight like they are.

Merry Christmas!!

Thank you to everyone for your patience, understanding, and your phone calls during this difficult time. This sport has the best people involved in it of any sport I can even imagine. I'm most happy to say that Dad has made a remarkable recovery. He does have lung cancer, which was and is the cause for the pneumonia for which he was hospitalized. We just don't know what the long term prognosis is at this time, but it's truly a miracle from God that he's still with us.

I've never had a time in my life where I have been more blessed and thankful than now. It's the best Christmas ever! I got all I could ask for, just a bit early, this year.

I'm working on tuners and flags now ...literally(Christmas Eve), but am going to take a couple of days and celebrate Christmas and all that we are so thankful for. Tuners and flags will begin shipping before the first of the year. I know that there will be some orders that have been mishandled during this period, so I hope and ask you to please call me if you haven't received an order from me by about mid January, and I apologize for the problem in advance, but I do want to fill all orders and do all that I can to put this time behind us in the best way I can and move forward. Also, I'll be building an inventory that will hopefully allow me to keep from getting behind so badly in the future.

I appreciate you all, as customers, competitors and friends. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and prosperous New Year!!---Mike Ezell 270-792-1436

p.s.--- I ask the mods to please make this thread a sticky for a while, so that everyone can see it and get with me in case there is a problem with their orders.
So happy to hear you had a blessed Christmas. On my 30Major barrel and dies.....I don't need these until the 1st part of March so please take care of the southern guys before me. Hope you have a very happy New Year and a competitive 2017.

Best Regards