Ordering a reamer, what to decide?


Jerry Adams
I'd like to order my own reamer from PTG. Besides the neck (.269) what else do I need to consider. I know that freebore has been an item of discussion that seems to revolve around bullets. I have a lot of the coulmn bullets as well as some Barts, Genter and Bruno 68 gr. I don't plan to go exotic on bullets as what I have will last quite a while. So, what should I tell Kiff when I go to order?
Dave has a pretty wide selection of PPC reamers (and of course he can grind custom anything). I'd probably tell him the bullet(s) you plan to use and how tight you want to run in the rear (0.200" is a decision point). Sounds like you landed on 0.269" for the neck.

Jerry, what are you using for a full length sizing die?

I ordered the Boyer reamer from PTG. Dave said that John Whidden has that print so I'm considering getting a sizer and seater set from Whidden. I did order the reamer with a .268 neck which is what Boyer and Huckeba are using. I'm always open to any suggestions.
yeah, that's where i was going with that. i haven't used one of the Whidden dies personally but know some who have and they like them.

i ordered a ppc reamer from Dave a while back. gave him the dimensions i wanted for neck and free bore and told him i wanted it to size correctly with a #3 Harrell FL die that i already had. he made adjustments to a 'Pure Magic' reamer print he had and sent it after it was made. so far, it works and measures perfectly.
yeah, that's where i was going with that. i haven't used one of the Whidden dies personally but know some who have and they like them.

i ordered a ppc reamer from Dave a while back. gave him the dimensions i wanted for neck and free bore and told him i wanted it to size correctly with a #3 Harrell FL die that i already had. he made adjustments to a 'Pure Magic' reamer print he had and sent it after it was made. so far, it works and measures perfectly.

Yeah, that's the same reamer. Wonder who came up with the name "Pure Magic". I could use a little magic.
Do Not Order the Pure Magic reamer.

I am attaching Dwight Scott's reamer print. This is a great reamer and is easy to match dies to. This is also the actual reamer Dwight uses on his and Tony's barrels, according to Dwight.



  • 6PPC Reamer Print.xls
    133 KB · Views: 867
I'm in no position to question the Pure Magic specs. That said it runs tighter than I like at 0.200" (~0.4395"). Originally I was going to go with the Speedy-Boyer #3 or Pure Magic but am now grinding a 1045 (thanks to input from members of this forum).

Do Not Order the Pure Magic reamer.

I am attaching Dwight Scott's reamer print. This is a great reamer and is easy to match dies to. This is also the actual reamer Dwight uses on his and Tony's barrels, according to Dwight.


When I talked to Dave he said that he was not making it that tight.
I would not go tighter than .440 in the back, and might go .0005 bigger. Shoulder diameters are pretty standard at .331 and I see no reason to vary that. The maximum case length on the drawing is 1.500 and that is shorter than "standard". Jack Neary's discussion on that point on one of his YouTube segments is worth watching if you have not. Using a freebore length of .070 seems a bit long, but depending on your bullet preference will be workable. It will rule out some bullets that you might want to try. I have .060, and if I were ordering a new one, I might try .035, and a spiral fluted throating reamer. The degree and a half leade angle is pretty standard. If you spend some time talking to Dave Kiff, there are some interesting options there, like dual angles, and other more exotic configurations. I have a very good one piece die that sizes necks to about .2575 and since I mostly shoot 133 and am cutting necks for more clearance these days, I might work with the die and go with a .263 neck, cut my brass for a loaded neck diameter of around .2605, giving something in the vicinity of .003 neck tension. The subject of freebore diameter gets interesting, we have a tendency to think tighter is better, but unlike throats that are designed for factory bullets, with no pressure rings, if we are shooting FB bullets, we need to decide what we are going to do about the .0004 to .0007 bulge at the heel. I think that the Scott reamer has this about right. If you look at older Boyer prints, they are smaller. I believe that thinking may have changed on this point.
Hovis, sent you a PM

Do Not Order the Pure Magic reamer.

I am attaching Dwight Scott's reamer print. This is a great reamer and is easy to match dies to. This is also the actual reamer Dwight uses on his and Tony's barrels, according to Dwight.


Hovis, sent you a PM
This will give you something to ponder;

Another approach ?

Dave Kiff told me that, as a supplier of die reamers to Redding, he can grind chamber reamers to match cases from these sizing dies. This approach was also suggested by a Redding customer support guy.

I think this approach has been mentioned on this board but don't recall any experiences being posted. I haven't done this but think I'll consider it in the future.

A. Weldy
I have been told that there can be some variation in die dimensions from polishing, by someone who had compared several new dies, by gauging. As far as I am aware, there are no disadvantages buying the die first, sizing brass, and ordering the reamer with the desired clearances from that.
Dave Kiff told me that, as a supplier of die reamers to Redding, he can grind chamber reamers to match cases from these sizing dies. This approach was also suggested by a Redding customer support guy.

I think this approach has been mentioned on this board but don't recall any experiences being posted. I haven't done this but think I'll consider it in the future.

A. Weldy

A Redding Type S Small base die for a PPC is done for JGS1045 spec reamers.

I have been told that there can be some variation in die dimensions from polishing, by someone who had compared several new dies, by gauging. As far as I am aware, there are no disadvantages buying the die first, sizing brass, and ordering the reamer with the desired clearances from that.

IME many of them will click.

Dimensions are dimensions. We've been making our own reamers for 30 years and have gone in both directions (ie, die first, finisher second and vice versa). Never had a problem with either as long as the specs are dead on.
