orange scoville stock


Active member
I am ordering a new Scoville stock this week and after talking with bob on the phone he says he has an orange color with a slight matalic color. Bob said he has done several so I was really hoping I could see a picture of this stock color. Can anyone help. I hate to ask but I would really like to see one before I give the ok. Thanks lee
Ps please feel free to text a pic if that's easier.


That's red, not orange.

Bob will mix a little color into the clear to get depth sometimes. The red stock in the pic has candy apple mixed in the clear. He can also mix a fine metallic into the clear. I really haven't seen a color I didn't like.

Most don't know that the colored carbon fiber stocks are a carbon fiber hybrid. The color portion is actual fiberglass woven with the carbon fiber. A lot of shooters believe that this actually helps reduce/absorb vibrations. You can also have these stocks made with fiberglass only. The stocks made this way are painted.

Also, if you have a scoville stock and want it in another color, Bob can re-skin the stock. Costs about the same as having a stock repainted.

Actually Kevin...... I'd bet a coffee that those patterns, colors and in fact the entire "carbon fiber" look are put on over top the actual fiber to cover it up.


My understanding was Kevlar. Gene Bukys said you can dye Kevlar. Told Bob about it. Gene had 2 reds, a green and an orange one. That was 3 Super Shoots ago.......
I have a red one. Real nice in the sun.
But, it don't matter they all look great.
I've looked closer and it seems I'm probably wrong...... that may well be the actual cloth showing thru and if it is then Bob Scoville is a friggin' genius cuz it's HARD to make the actual stock fiber look good. Many of the carbon fiber stocks, even big name producers', are covered with a carbon fiber pattern.

I've looked closer and it seems I'm probably wrong...... that may well be the actual cloth showing thru and if it is then Bob Scoville is a friggin' genius cuz it's HARD to make the actual stock fiber look good. Many of the carbon fiber stocks, even big name producers', are covered with a carbon fiber pattern.


It's real... and yeah seems next to impossible to pull off. I'd have to do major cleanup after applying the "skin" and then have it Hydro-dipped.

The hybird carbon-kevlar fabric is available in a number of colors. Cool looking stuff. Black and blue would make a very sharp looking rifle.
If Bob went to using Carbon/Kevlar, that's a new one on me. but is possible but I wouldn't understand the reasoning. Kelvar has some properties that make it even worse to work with than Carbon Fiber. I have had 15 of Bob's stocks. Probably one of the few who have ever seen the inside of both the standard and bedding block models. I have owned the standard black, red, blue, green, silver and yellow stocks. Some with standard clear and others with a clear/mix. All are the Carbon/Fiberglass hybrids. I have also had Bob re-skin a stock for me.

I do need to talk to Bob so maybe I'll get time to call him today. I have a pending project with him and need to touch base. I'll ask about the Kevlar.

here's what's available

If you want to see what's available from US composites go to this web site

This is one of the places that Bob buys his fabrics

These composites are in fact Carbon/ Kevlar

When you look at one of Scoville's stocks, you are in fact looking at the actual fabric -- Bob is that good at laying it up -- except for clear, candy's and other translucent final coats there is no paint or other coating on the fabric. He will paint it if you want --- but why would you do that ??

The very first colored stock that Bob made, he made for me. He resisted, at first, but I bought the material myself direct from US composites and mailed it to him and asked him to make my stock out of my material
I also was the first to put a Candy top coat over the colored fabric to help bring out the color in the fabric. Bob made the first Green/black for me and when I got the stock it looked like his normal black carbon stock -- you had to take the stock out in the sun and hold it just right to see alittle tinge of green in it --- that is until I sprayed it with green candy --- really brought the color out in it. -- then I had to spray one of my red/black stocks with candy --- WoW -- the red really came up much brighter -- I showed these to BoB at the next SS -- the rest is history.
Without the candy topcoat the color in the fabric tends to wash out and not show up very much.
Currently I have a red/black, a blue/black, a green/black, and an orange/black--I did have 2 red/black's but I sold the one that I sprayed the candy coat on. I have seen a teal/black that I thought was really good looking and a yellow/ black

I believe these days Bob has available almost any color you might want -- or he can tint existing colors with the candy's or the addition of prismatics or metal flakes in the final clear to get some really cool looking stocks

Cool stuff --- I think --- great stocks!!
