Optical comparator



Does anyone here use an optical comparator for precise parts measurement? I have recently added one to my shop and find more and more uses for it. Mine is not the highest accuracy but with the 20X magnification, I can read linear to 0.0005" and angles to .25 min.

Use examples: I was experiencing some case swelling above the web on a 22-250 that I was developing loads for. It did not show up on every fired round and all the cases were new Remington. With the slight case protrusion, the micrometer could not be repeatably positioned on the taper or bulged area. With the comarator I was able to read the .002 variation in the base diameter on the taper above the extraction groove. The diameter of the fired cases above the web were the same. The Remington brass was the issue. I have also used it to check the neck diameter of several reamers I have that were not marked. They are now eched with neck diameter and lead angle.

Jim Grinde
You bet I do

Putting traditional manufacturing equipment aside for a minute, there are two instruments a gun shop should not be without in my opinion:

1. Wilson hardness tester
2. optical comparator (WITH metrology software if you can afford it!!)
I'd add a stereo microscope.

I have a Miro Vu (7-70X) with B&L .0001" scales on it and have been trying to buy a readout for it. As is it's great for watching the wear on reamers or inspecting anything else for that matter.

I have a 12" comparator. Most recent uses have been to determine the angle on bullets from the "pointing" dies of a Widden and a friends shop built unit. Also measured the length of freebore on a couple of chamber reamers.
Someday...... I hope to have a B&L sterio toolmakers microscope.

Is the Wilson tester a portable "ball drop" type tester or is it a larger fixed mount unit?


Disregard, I found their web site and they make a nice selection of models @ various price.
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