Opinions wanted



I'm building an RF for a customer and he has specified that he wants to use Aguila "Super Sniper" ammunition in this rifle.

This round uses an heavy bullet loaded subsonic in a 22 short case for use in a 22LR chamber.
Anybody have a reccomended chambering reamer configuration as to dimensions, leede, etc. for this round?

The chamber dimension don't matter as much as the twist of the barrel... normal 16 twist is not fast enough to stabilize that long bullet...

Install a quicker twist and a match .22 LR chamber and it should work well...
What twist barrel are you using? I've heard it takes a 1-9 twist to stabilize the long bullets, but I don't have any experience with them, just heresay, but it makes sense. I'd guess any match reamer with a 2 degree leade angle would work if the depth is correct. I doubt the rig will be a tack driver whatever you use, since that ammo probably won't come up to match ammo standards anyway. I think Green Mountain made a 1-9" twist barrels for 10/22's for that specific load.
My customer sent along a 1-9 twist Lilja barrel along with a brick of the ammo and the action.

So you think a 2 deg leede will work?

Well, I don't know anyone over on The Dark Side and I only go there about once a year......but this SEEMS to be a question best answered on the rimfire forum...??

I don't really know though. I once asked about the 17HM2 and got no joy.......maybe Rimfire Central? They've got some perty smart 10-22 guys over there. I know THEY get no respect on Rimfire Central though cuz they're alla'time claiming groups that would be real-world match winners. I'll be curious to know what you find out. I've got a couple cases of the Aguila stuff too, and several 10-22's just itching for barrels.

At one time I was really intrigued by the big sub-sonic bullet game, but then the little 17 came out and I went there instead.

Good luck, wish I could help.

All my rimfire BR bolt rifles have chambers with 2 degree leades, and that seems to work for everyone else as well. I set mine up so the lands just barely engrave the front drive band on an Eley EPS match bullet. A 2 degree leade angle is so slight that it's not going to engrave a bullet as much as the old target rifles with 5 degree leade angles did, but the 2 degree works very well. Most successful rimfire BR rifles have 'em.

PS_Sam, is the rifle a semi auto or a bolt rifle? If it's a semi auto you'll need to use a longer looser chamber than we use on bolt rifle, but I'm sure you know that.
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