opening up a muzzle brake to caliber..


mike in co

i have a muzzle brake that is 6mm and needs to go to 308 plus 20.

do you drill till close and then bore or ???
bore only ?

ream ?
mike in co
ream it,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

If possible, mount the barrel in the headstock of the lathe.

Dial in the bore of the muzzle.

Mount the brake.

Using a small boring bar, bore out the brake to the desired diameter.

this method insures concentrically to the bore.
I agree with Roy..................that is the best way to assure concentricity. Or another way is to bore the brake on the barrel close to size then ream. Most people don't have odd size reamers, so boring will give the exact size you want. Both work fine.