Open Grove Results 5-13-12

We had 7 shooters show up for a nice morning of shooting.

Results: LV
1) Linzie B, 229-5x, 239-7x, 237-2x, = 705-14x EV
2) Vipha M, 232-1x, 237-4x, 236-3x, = 705- 8x USFT
3) Tim M, 222-1x, 231-4x, 241-8x, = 694-13x USFT
4) Russ H, 229-6x, 231-3x, 230-2x, = 690-11x EV

Results: HV
1) Jim H, 241-5x, 246-11x, 241-4x, = 728-20x Custom
2) Matt L, 233-3x, 235-5x, 238-5x, = 706-13x Steyr
2nd relay, 224-2x, 224-3x, 232-2x, = 671-7x Steyr Matt tried light pellets for this series of three cards.
3) Russ H, 232-2x, 234-4x, 232-5x, = 698-11x Steyr

Results: Open
1) John C, 240-5x, 227-7x, 239-7x, = 706-19x Rapid

On Johns second card he shot a great 247-9x but managed some how to load 2 pellets moving to a sighter which cancelled out 2 of his record bulls.

Thanks to all that made the journey to shoot on Mothers Day. Happy Birthday Matt, thanks for the treats, they were delicious.

Thanks for the results.

Shot with AL and Penny this weekend. AL is doing Great with his new shoulder.
