Open Grove Results 5-12-13

It was a beautiful morning, with moderate winds and a lot of switch. We had 2 matches for those that wanted to shoot 2 classes.

Results LV: Match 1
1) Russ H. 244-6x, 241-5x, 233-5x, = 718-16x

2) Matt L. 239-4x, 235-6x, 234-2x, = 708-12x

3) Vipha M. 234-5x, 233-6x, 238- 5x, = 705-16x

Results HV: Match 1
1) Bill T. 236-4x, 236-4x, 236-4x, = 708-12x

2) Tim M. 235-5x, 230-2x, 225-3x, = 690-10x

Results Open: Match 1
1) Joe F. 244-9x, 243-8x, 246-11x, = 733-28x

2) Linzie B. 245-13x, 243-4x, 244-10x, = 732-27x

Match 2
Results HV:
1Matt L. 237-6x, 236-7x, 227-2x, = 700-15x

Results Open:
1) Russ H. 239-3x, 241-4x, 242-8x, = 722-15x

Results UNL.
1) Tim M. 236-4x, 243-7x, 243-10x, = 722-21x

2) Linzie B. 247-11x, 232-2x, 240-5x, = 719-18x

Nice shooting by everyone involved, and as always thank you for your support.


Looks like it was a pretty good match, other than for that switch you mentioned. A word of advice though: you had better watch out for Linzie or she'll be looking back at you. She couldn't have been much closer in Match 1.

Congratulations to all the Class winners.

Dave Shattuck
Thanks Dave,

It was a great match, nobody knew where they stood until the scores were tallied after the match. I know one thing, Linzie is always there in the hunt, and when you haven't shot air rifle for over 9 months it's a wake up call, I was just lucky that morning.
