Open Grove Results 10-11-15

We had 11 shooters for a hot and all around great morning of shooting. We welcomed a new shooter Scott Hammond. Tim did not shoot but was gracious to help run the line and help with scoring. We did miss Linzie.

Match 1:
LV Results:

1) Bill Tramel, 249-11x, 246-9x, 243-4x, =738-24x EV

2) Doug Miller, 245-4x, 244-6x, 245-6x, = 734-16x Thomas

3) Matt Lababedy, 245-4x, 237-4x, 240-3x, = 722-11x Dawson

4) Dennis Kunkel, 238-4x, 239-1x, 242-2x, = 719-7x, EV

5) Vipha Miller, 238-5x, 239-4x, 238-5x, = 715-14x, Styer

6) Jefferey Ye, 238-3x, 239-2x, 232-2x, = 709-7x

HV Results:

1) Matt Kellerman, 247-7x, 247-9x, 244-4x, = 738-20x, USFT

2) Bob Graybill, 244-6x, 241-3x, 245-9x, = 730-18x, USFT

3) Abdul Lababedy, 240-10x, 247-10x, 242-8x, = 729-28x, TM

US Open:

1) Mary Reckley, 242-7x, 249-15x, 247-5x, = 738-27x, USFT

2) Scott Hammond, 197, 186, 162, = 545

Match 2:

1) Abdul Lababedy, 243-7x, 228-2x, 234-2x = 705-11x Dawson

2) Jefferey YE, 237-4x, 227, 229-3x, = 693-7x


1) Bill Tramel, 248-11x, 247-9x, 248-12x, = 743-32x, Thomas

2) Doug Miller, 247-8x, 245-9x, 246-7x, = 738-24x, P70

3) Vipha Miller, 244-5x, 247-12x, 246-7x, = 737-24x, Thomas

4) Matt Kellerman, 246-9x, 241-6x, 245-5x, = 732-20x, USFT

5) Dennis, Kunkel, 244-07x, 241-4x, 246-9x, = 731-20x, TM

6) Matt Lababedy, 243- 6x, 239-7x, 247-8x, = 729-21x, TM

US Open:

1) Scott Hammond, 140, 156, 116, = 412

Thank you for your support, out last match for the year will be November 8th.
