Open Grove 5-17 Results

We had 6 shooters show up for a beautiful warm evening. Fred Leeds joined us from Nevada and Fred shot another 2400 and won the match.

Raw Aggs.
1) Fred Leeds, 2225, 2150, 2400, 2100, = 2218.75
2) Jim Herrick, 1800, 2225, 2250, 2275, = 2137.50
3) John Carter, 1975, 2050, 2250, 2225, = 2125.00
4) Jim Drury, 1975, 2050, 2200, 2100, = 2081.25
5) Glen Robinson, 1950, 2075, 1900, 1950, = 1968.75
6) Larry Wright, 1600, 2100, 2025, 1650, = 1843.75

Congrats Fred and thanks for the help setting up and everyone's help cleaning up . A good time was had by all.

Thanks for running and posting your match.

Great shooting! everyone shot at least one card over 2000.

Congratulations Fred on your win and a 2400 also.

Another Great Shoot!!!

Thanks again Joe. The Range was in imaculate condition and the pizza was even better. It's amazing how smoothly you run the matches and still maintain your sense of humor. Glen gave us all a break in waiting until the end of the shoot before tunning.