Open Grove 3-8-15 Results

We had a nice turnout, with Mike Niksch and his daughter Shauna making the trip down. Chip Smith was also here. The weather was great, sunny but cool in the early morning start. Winds in the morning were light from the NE for Match 1. Match 2 was a bit different, lots of switch, hard to handle.

There was some great shooting throughout the day. Doug Miller shot his first 250-14x in LV, congrats Doug.

Match 1 Results:
1) Doug Miller, 242-9x, 245-5x, 250-14x, == 737-28x, Styer

2) Vipha Miller, 240-6x, 248-8x, 244-6x, == 732-20x, Styer

3) Linzie Boise, 240-5x, 246-3x, 239-8x, == 725-16x

4) Dennis Kunkel, 239-5x, 238-6x, 239-6x, 716-17x, AA

1) Bill Tremel, 239-9x, 248-13x, 247-10x, == 734-32x USFT

2) Mike Niksch, 243-6x, 241-6x, 246-9x, == 730-21x, Thomas

3) Tom Anderson, 240-6x, 239-5x, 239-7x, == 718-18x, USFT

USA Hybrid:
1) Shauna Niksch, 235-2x, 241-3x, 245-8x, == 721-13x, Thomas

USA Open:
1) Chip Smith, 236-2x, 233-4x, 240-4x, == 709-10x, Custom

Match 2 Results:
1) Bill Tremel, 246-6x, 243-4x, 246-8x, == 733-18x USFT

2) Mike Niksch, 241-9x, 241-5x, 241-6x, == 723-20x Thomas

3) Vipha Miller, 235, 241-7x, 244-7x, == 720-14x, FWB

4) Dennis Kunkel, 243-9x, 225-1x, 236-2x, == 704-12x Hammerli

5) Linzie Boise, 237-5x, 224-2x, 236-2x, == 697-9x, USFT

6) Tom Anderson, 234-4x, 228-5x, 225-1x, == 687-10x, USFT

USA Hybrid:
1) Doug Miller, 245-8x, 247-12x, 243-8x, == 735-28x, Thomas

2) Shauna Niksch, 236-3x, 225-3x, 228-4x, == 689-10x, Thomas

Once again Thank You for your support, help with setting and cleaning up. Thanks to Vipha for keeping us all with plenty of goodies to eat.

See you next month 4-12.

Excellent turnout!

Congratulations Doug on that fine showing. A 250-14x in Outdoor LV is exceptional, and was the only 250 for the day!

I'm glad to see Mike and Shauna made the road-trip. It's quite a haul from Colorado to Oxnard, no doubt about that. Someday I am still hoping to make the drive, or flight.

Dave Don't wait!!!

Excellent turnout!

Congratulations Doug on that fine showing. A 250-14x in Outdoor LV is exceptional, and was the only 250 for the day!

I'm glad to see Mike and Shauna made the road-trip. It's quite a haul from Colorado to Oxnard, no doubt about that. Someday I am still hoping to make the drive, or flight.


Don't wait to do it !!!!
Time waits for no one!!
Don't wait to do it !!!!
Time waits for no one!!


After my Heart Attack of 3 weeks ago my wife is a bit antsy about planning any cross-country trips, even if it is to the Nationals. She was even having a bird about my driving down to Paul's (1 hr 10 min) for this past weekends Indoor match. But, we'll see how she is after a little time passes; I'm not totally writing it off yet.


Sorry to hear about your Heart Attack, the news had not traveled down her but glad to hear you are up and about and arguing with The Leader of the Opposition, that is a good sign )chill(
Thanks Bill.

The Heart Attack only hurt for maybe 3 hours, then I felt fine. What wasn't so good was the Gall Bladder attack that followed 2 days after coming home, which put me right back into the ER and hospital. They couldn't do anything about that though because of my heat attach for at least the next 3 to 6 months. That one cost me to loose 25 pounds in under 3 weeks.

The good news: I'm down to where I was back in High School (50 years ago) at 248# when I was playing basketball. That may sound like a lot of weight still, but keep in mind I'm 6'6" tall, so not so much. Now the question is: how long will I maintain this new weight and will I end up shooting right past where I was to start out.


The good news is you are alive and doing better. It would be nice to have you here, and fully understand your decision. Stay healthy, will keep you in my prayers.

Glad you're better, Dave. Scary stuff.

My daughter and I had a great time out at Joe's, and look forward to doing it again. Thanks a bunch to everyone for the hospitality! It's a great place to shoot and hang out. I was hoping to make a larger improvement in my shooting in those tough conditions, but will have to settle, right now, for some
