Open Grove 2013 schedule

Feb.- 10th, 9:00 am start time.

March- 10th, 9:00 am start time.

April- 14th, 9:00 am start time.

May- 12th, 9:00 am start time. (May be changed due to Mothers Day.)

June- 9th, 9:00 am start time.

July- 14th, 9:00 am start time.

August- 11th, 9:00 am start time.

September- 7th, So Cal Regional practice, 9:00am - 3:00pm

September- 8th, So Cal Regional, 9:00 am start time.

October- 13th, 9:00 start time.

November- 10th, 9:00 start time. (This will be the last match for the year.)

Awards will be given out at the end of the year for the top 3 agg's in each class. You must have completed 6 regular matches for a total of 18 cards to be eligible. The Regional is a separate match.

Will also be working on getting more door prizes for the Regional.

Please don't hesitate to call 805-444-8521 or email if you have any questions or suggestions.

So Cal Regional

:cool:How many slots will you have for your Regional Shoot in September?

Mark N

Hi Joe . Can one shoot all classes at your regional ? LV , HV , open and or unlimited . Thanks Rick
Mark and Rick,

It will have to be a 2 day event. We could have Open Practice and Check In on Saturday from 9-12am. Lunch starts at noon, start time at 1:00pm for the Open or Unlimited classes. On Sunday morning starting at 8:30am shoot LV, break for lunch, then start the HV class. This is one way to accommodate someone who wants to shoot 3 of the 4 classes.

I don't know off hand how many of those that competed last year will show up this year, if they all do, I would have to add another relay for a total of 30 competitors.
Having 30 competitors for 3 hour practice on Saturday, there would have to be 20 minute timed sessions so everyone gets multiple times at the bench.

These are just some ideas that come to mind now. I welcome any input, this is a good time to start planning.

Hi Joe I wood like to make it out . I am in the process of getting retired , but also in the start of fighting cancer . I well have the time and plan on doing my best to have the health . Hope to see you . Rick

That would be great to have you and anyone else from that area. I'm sorry to hear this, will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay positive.
