Open Grove 10-14-12 results

It was a beautiful warm day and we welcomed 5 new shooters who were juniors, ranging from 6-16 years old for a total of 14 shooters. There were Unlimited, Open, HV and LV classes doing battle in light Santa Anna winds.

Linzie Boise, high target in Unlimted- 246-14x, Jim Drury, high target in Open 242-8x, Bill Tramel, high target in HV 246-6x, Brian Denardo, high target in LV 238-7x, and Top Junior high target was 8 year old Natasha Brinkley with a 234-5x. Well done everyone.

Results: 25m Unlimited.
Linzie B., 246-14x, 244-10x, 243-11x, = 733-36x, USFT .25 cal.

Open 25m results:
Jim Drury, 231-3x, 242-8x, 227-7x, = 700-18x, Theoben .22 cal.

HV 25m results:
Bill T. 246-6x, 235-5x, 242- 8x, = 723-19x, USFT
Jim H. 242-6x, 239-3x, 237-4x, - 718-13x, Theoben .22cal
Tim M. 232-8x, 239-11x, 236-7x, = 707-26x, USFT .22 cal.
Russ H. 237-5x, 231-1x, 237-4x, - 705-10x, Styer
Matt L. 236-3x, 229-3x, 230-7x, = 695-13x, Styer
James B. 228-3x, 215-3x, 219-4x, = 662-10x, FX

LV 25m Results:
Brian D. 238-7x, 237-5x, 238-5x, = 713-17x, AA

HV 25m Junior results:
Natasha B. 219-1x, 213-2x, 234-5x, = 666-8x, USFT
DJ, 222, 224-2x, 215-1x, = 661-3x, Maurader
Annabel B. 214-2x, 203-1x, 210, = 627-3x, FX
Nicky B. 211, 190, 200-1x, = 601-1x, USFT
Alex B. 169-1x, 185-2x, 199, = 553-3x, USFT

Thanks to all for your support, Thanks James for bringing the family out, the girls had me smiling the whole time. Tim you are a good teacher.

Thank You Linzie and All for the wonderful plaque.

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Congratulations on putting on another fine shoot. You certainly do have a wonderful facility out there, one that I can only hope to see some day down the road.

Congratulations to all the winners and grinners, and I'm sure the ones grinning the most were the Juniors after their time on the line as they look to have been shooting some mighty fine guns which can certainly be a thrill for any Junior or first-time shooters.

Good luck to all with your future encounters, and maybe some day we will be able to sit down together and discuss airgunning in general.

Dave Shattuck
Great Job Joe as usial and all who made this happen..............thanks.

Frank Tirrell