ONLY one year left before the 2015 World Championships


Dave Shattuck

Here we are now exactly one year away from the 2015 World Championships being held in Brisbane, Australia. If you are planning on making the trip it's probably a good time to start thinking about what will need to be done in order to be there. Of course, there’s the obvious: if you're not retired - getting the time off from work, getting our passports up-to-date, securing plans for how to get all that equipment from here to there, looking into getting tickets, and of course, what types of clothing will be need.

I was just over on Underground Weather checking todays conditions in Brisbane, and man, do they ever look better than what we were faced with in 2011 for the World Championships in Charleston, SC where the temps were above 100° every single day with humidity nearing the 100% level. I think the expression is dripping wet.

Today in Brisbane it is forecasted to be sunny with a high of 75° and breezes in the 5 to 12 MPH range, then over the course of the next week to ten days there are of course a couple of showers predicted, but mainly it should remain mostly sunny with temps averaging in the mid to upper 60’s having mid-day breezes ranging anywhere from as low as 5 MPH to as high as 17 MPH, depending on the day, and the evenings are supposed to only get down into the 50’s. In other words: Absolutely Beautiful!

I guess it may be time to start thinking about setting aside a few more of those nickels and dimes before it’s too late.

Dave Shattuck
Well, before someone decides on planning to go, the USARB should establish a list of those who are qualified to go.
The website indicates that the regionals, and the national championship this year qualify for placement opportunity. The specific details and criteria are yet to be announced.
I'm excited to see it when it comes out!
