online Benchrest game

Just wondering

Is this thing right? When you have a head wind doesn't it carry the bullet low, and a wind from behind carry the bullet high? The game seems to be the opposite. If I'm wrong, maybe that why I can't shoot very good.

Only 30/30BRs shoot low in head wind

Just kidding
Your right, I just noticed that it is backwards on vertical.
And I was getting scared!

All the more reason to trust your sighters.

I was beginning to wonder if I had just been relocating lead from the bench to the berm. I also noticed that it shows straight horizontal not the typical 10-4 for a right hand twist. Figured this out with a weather report. If anyone knows who wrote the program, they could fix this. If it was fixed, this program might improve my game along with others.

Yeah- Speedy's game is far and away more accurate than this one.
Follow the link I gave above. You can set up a career where you buy and sell equipment to upgrade your setup. You can win prize money and even use your tax refund to buy a new barrel. There are a lot of ranges to shoot at and you adjust your load to tune the rifle. It is very realistic but you would have to be a benchrest shooter to really understand it. It is not well reviewed around the gaming community. I guess all that shooting without red mist isn't that interesting to young people today. It really is kind of primitive in it's graphics but it covers the ins and outs of benchrest pretty well.