one way it could work


New member
So Obama Drops the Hammer-
He issues one of his Executive Orders (which are pretty much beyond the reach of the courts and Congress) that in the interest of HOMELAND SECURITY (drum roll here) Firearms ownership must be ”verified” to make sure they do not fall into the hands of TERRORISTS (drum roll with bugles here).
The “VERIFICATION” is not registration, Congress has ruled against that and it’s also UN-American. “Verification” means you have to physically bring each and every gun you own the local police station to be “VERIFIED” So you and thousands of other gun owners stand in line for days on end (like DMV for your driver’s license) with your arms full of your guns.
“VERIFICATION” also means being photographed and finger printed, and explaining to a clerk who doesn’t know a bullet from a band-aid the make, model, and caliber of each of your guns to be entered into the “database”. A driver’s license won’t do – you need the new “FIREARMS VERIFICATION” id card.
“THE CARD” is only good for one year and naturally the government is broke trying to pay for “Obamacare” so guess who has to pay for the “verification”
Don’t worry it’s ONLY $100 a gun - EACH YEAR (to start). To prevent buying or selling terrorist material - every year you have to physically bring your guns and ”THE CARD” in to be VERIFIED
Failure to comply means you are obviously unpatriotic and a terror suspect.
It’s Guantanamo Bay for you pal – Life in prison, no trial, no bail, no lawyer.
Naturally the criminals love this set up. Hackers get into the database (Like they did in England) and start stealing.
Maybe you somehow don’t go to jail, but you are on the “watch list” you begin to have all sorts of problems with your credit cards and bank accounts, you are on the “no fly” list, the tax audit list, and changing your email address or phone number becomes a major problem. But all is not lost, if you agree not to own any firearms, your life can go back to normal (the government promises).
...and space aliens will invade planet earth and enslave us all. And the Maya calendar prediction of the end of time on December 21st will come true. And, and, and...
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Why not start a thread "like this"??

It's my opinion - If you don't like it - too bad.
Why can't it happen?
simple..there are way too many guns and gun owners.......
do you honestly think all would comply ?
in california, for years on the 4th of july they use to hold balck rifle matches( ar's are basically banned) and dare anyone to come out and try taking one.....
no takers.
very easy do do on paper..not so easy when the guy has the gun...loaded...
mike in co
Why not start a thread "like this"??

It's my opinion - If you don't like it - too bad.
Why can't it happen?
I am not saying that I agree with Karls42 but it seems like I read about something similar to this happening Down under back in the 70's or some such. Probably was just a bogus article but maybe some of the guys down there can offer up some enlightenment.
I think theirs may have been some kind of registration.
after a gun shooting at a school, nz ( i think it was them) banned nearly everything...bought all the guns on the cheap. the police "recycled" some of the guns for extra cash.
but it was a voted on by there reps...not an edict.

stupid over reaction...
now only the criminals have guns and home invasions are/were on the rise....

mike in co
Not speaking to the topic directly but would like to point out that an executive order by FDR was the mechanism for the detention in internment camps of Japanese Americans in WWII.

It was also the mechanism by which Harry Truman attempted to semi-nationalize the steele industry. That, however, was a bridge too far and ended up being overturned by the Supreme Court.

As the Constitution is currently interpreted, presidents can also utilize executive orders with near impunity. It's the intersection of "executive powers" and presidential veto.

Take it FWIW. Executive orders and "signing statements" are particular sore spots for me.

Greg J.
one of them down there...dont remember wich one
school shooting started it...thought it was nz...
anyoen remember ?
mike in co.
Guns are big business in Oz. They do have restrictive laws, but the civilians have weapons.
I'm to old to care any more, come and get them. All the dam thing do is eat up all my powder, bullets, and primers. So I guess when I'm out of that stuff they can have them. won't say how much is left though!

Joe Salt
mike in co,
Kiwis own rifles, hunt, and shoot competition. I know they don't have the gun freedoms that we have, but they do have rifles.