



Just a few minutes ago, CBS showed a story about Obama. Who would have thunk that they would show Obama flip flopping on the issues????? Their words to be exact was he ran one way for the primaries and now changes his mind and his votes for the general election.

Who would have ever thought they loved Hillary so much that they would besmudge the man who beat her out of the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is happening to our country??:D
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Probably BECAUSE they loved Hillary so much. Besides it is the truth. WOW CBS is telling the truth. :confused: What is this world coming to? :D

These are...

Standard campaign tactics for Presidential elections.

In primaries, the candidates run toward the far wing of their party, because this is where the core usually is (Dems - left: Reps - right). Remember, this process is only the nomination of the party.

In the general election you have to run to the middle to get elected.

The exception to this year is McCain. He has run to the center/left, and doesn't care what the conservatives in the party think. However, this idea of the "big tent", and taking Dems without them changing their views to those of the Republican platform beliefs, may well be McCain's downfall. Lots of conservatives may sit this one out, watch the train wreck, and come out of the ashes with renewed power.

Just an observation.


It's a correct observation due to the ignorance and immaturity of the American public. If candidates don't pander to their base they are toast. Americans don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear their prejudices echoed back to them. That explains the title of this thread! "Tell me what I want to hear!" Many voters minds are polarized and set in concrete!
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Mr D, don't ever make the mistake of speaking for me as to what the title of my post meant please!!!

There is a post dealing with McCain's double talk express, this was only put out there to show that both talk out of both sides of their mouth's.

I was actually shocked that CBS actually had the report on their news, today, CNN showed it as well. Neither are very good at showing both sides of an issue and both have been known to stretch the truth to suit their agenda.

I think we are all aware that canidates try to get votes by any means necessary, including telling one group one thing and something different to another.

Obama just does it a lot better than the average bear. Sorry if that bothers anyone here, but fact is, he got caught doing just that and CBS actually reported on it which shocked me, actually tickled me!!

Have a great weekend guys!!
Mr D, don't ever make the mistake of speaking for me as to what the title of my post meant please!!!

There is a post dealing with McCain's double talk express, this was only put out there to show that both talk out of both sides of their mouth's.

As often is, I don't understand what you have become super sensitive about?? Review what you said in your 1st post of the thread, and then look at what I posted. Maybe you are misunderstanding my post???? Did you even notice my post was directed at what Pendennis said not your thread title? All I can figure is you objected to my statement, "That explains the title of this thread! "Tell me what I want to hear!" I guess I should have left that out!

All I was trying to say is that allot of Americans want to be told what they want to hear, rather than the truth or an honest opinion! Candidates know that telling the truth about their opinions could be stepping on a landmind politically! Obama made an obvious decision which has worked well in the primaries to talk about lofty goals rather than specifics, while McCain has talked about the same in gerealities about liberty, freedom and national defense without many real specifics. Politicians won't give specific details if they immediately get handed their head by a voter that demands they clone his personal opinions on every subject. Therefore they talk without saying very much! Maybe that is our fault because of our kneejerk, gotcha attitudes. Maybe we don't want leaders, we want a president that will simply carry out our agenda of personal opinions??
:confused: :confused:
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First of all Mr. D, I am not upset or anything of the sorts. Reread your post, although directed to Dennis, you spoke of what the topic of my post was about and all I asked was that you don't presume to speak for me or my meaning!!

"That explains the title of this thread! "Tell me what I want to hear!" Many voters minds are polarized and set in concrete!"

Those were your words. All I said was that I couldn't believe that CBS actually had a story that wasn't endearing to their canidate and put it up to show that both canidates speak out of both sides of their mouths.

My mind is not polarized or set in stone because I get my news from other sources as well as I can do without both canidates because neither speak for me, about me or to me.

You are right though, the average CBS watcher only gets one side of an issue and it is usually biased toward the Democrats. Not every day that I can actually say I saw a fairly reported story on their behalf. I would venture to say though that you are absolutely right about the average CBS watcher though, their minds are numbed to the truth because they are like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed manure all the time!!:D
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I would venture to say though that you are absolutely right about the average CBS watcher though, their minds are numbed to the truth because they are like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed manure all the time!!:D

Fair enough!

I wouldn't limit your view to just CBS viewers! In my view, none of the major stations attempt to present the news. The American viewer of the Networks is not much interested in real news! World News is almost non existent.

Whether a Network's News is biased misses the point which is, it is not really news! [/B I have to search outside the U.S. to find out what is happening in my own country and across the world. We are getting Orwell's 1984 News, that is mind numbing drivel! Investigative reporting does not exist any more. It is afraid to anger and lose access! The idea of embedding news reporters with troops is ridiculous as in compromises their objectivity! That's not war journalism, it's public relations!

This is the new, smarter censorship that says you can't even show a coffin because we might remember young Americans are still dying!
Thank you Mr. D! I don't limit myself to just CBS, they are all in it for profit which means they all have an agenda. News papers as well as television reports are all opinionated. Throughout history, we have seen them try to change public opinion, just as we do today!!:eek:
This is the new, smarter censorship that says you can't even show a coffin because we might remember young Americans are still dying!

Mr. D. - I wouldn't refer to this as the "new, smarter censorship". The idea of showing coffins, or other symbols of death during wartime goes back as far as the Civil War, when Mathew Brady began photographing the bodies of dead soldiers on battlefields, most famously Antietam. When those pictures were published, it was thought that the outrage of seeing dead men would cause the war to come to an end. The war raged on for over two years.

During World War II, the War Department debated for over two years, before allowing the bodies of dead soldiers and Marines to be shown in newsreels of the Pacific Campaign. Their great fear was that some loved one would recognize a body, and find out of the death other than through official channels.

There's also the famous photo by Robert Capa, published in 1936, of a Loyalist soldier being killed, in the Spanish civil war.

While it is upsetting for some to see flag-draped coffins, that's a part of war, good or bad. I can understand the sensitivity of some at the Defense Department, but it usually has little, if any, effect on the conduct of war.

Mr. D. - I wouldn't refer to this as the "new, smarter censorship". The idea of showing coffins, or other symbols of death during wartime goes back as far as the Civil War, when Mathew Brady began photographing the bodies of dead soldiers on battlefields, most famously Antietam. When those pictures were published, it was thought that the outrage of seeing dead men would cause the war to come to an end. The war raged on for over two years.

During World War II, the War Department debated for over two years, before allowing the bodies of dead soldiers and Marines to be shown in newsreels of the Pacific Campaign. Their great fear was that some loved one would recognize a body, and find out of the death other than through official channels.

There's also the famous photo by Robert Capa, published in 1936, of a Loyalist soldier being killed, in the Spanish civil war.

While it is upsetting for some to see flag-draped coffins, that's a part of war, good or bad. I can understand the sensitivity of some at the Defense Department, but it usually has little, if any, effect on the conduct of war.


I'm not suggesting that the bodies of soldiers be shown, that was not the issue. The issue is that the president should not have the right to say even coffins may be not shown as a political way to keep the cost of the war away from the eyes of the American public!
There are protocols for the handling and care of dead soldiers. I know...I have handled many. I've wrapped the bodies, seperated personal belongings and inventory them, I've packed them in the shipping containers (their not coffins) with ice, I've set there and allowed the temp to stabilize until containers quit sweating then put the flags on the them. No soldier that has died is left alone until after he is buried, someone is always standing guard. I escorted my best friend back from Panama and never left his side for four days. If anyone outside of his family would have tried to take a picture for publication...a good ole ass womping would have taken place. It is disrespectful to the soldier and other soldiers to have coffins (shipping containers) photographed for propoganda. There's only one word I can think of for someone who thinks it's ok to publish pictures of dead soldiers in coffins (shipping containers) for propoganda....scum !!!
