Old load data 222



Do you remember your old load for the 222?

I have been offered a 1pm 14 blaser sported barrel t knocked down price new
In 222

I think it's best to stabilise 50 grains for small game

My friends tells me it beats 223 anyway

What's your best group to 300 on a bench ?


I have lapua brass

What powder and start point shall I pursue please ?

222s are great. They are over looked by many people. I have a 6ppc, a 6br, a 223 and a 222. The best 100 yd. group - 0.063" - that I ever shot was with my 222. They are limited to about 250 yds. My favorite powder for 222s is H322. I use 21.8g and any good 52g bullet. Have fun. Al.
I do know my 222's

Hi ,
I have been shooting a 222 for the majority of my shooting since 1974. Shot out quite a few barrels. At the moment it is being fitted with a new Lilija 1 twist in 14 to stabilize 50 to 55 grain projectiles.

I am using 20.5gn of RE#7 behind the 53gn bergers. Or 22.0gn of N133 with the same projectiles. Lapua brass and Rem 7 1/2 primers. Not a real hot load but it shot the best backed off a little. When IMR 4198 was available here in Oz it shot the same on that as well. Best group to date was .106 but it would agg in the low .2's at 100 yards and usually around .5 at 200 if I read the flags correctly. Never used a lilija before so I will be interested in seeing what it will do.
I seem to remember about 24 grains of BLC-2 or 748 and a 7 and 1/2 primer with 50,51,52 grain bullets... I loved the 51 McCracken bullets.
Wonderful guys thanks for sharing

I agree
222 the lost lost hero
Different league as compared to the 223
Don't remember anybody won anything with a 223 in Europe
The classic load is 20.5 gr 4198, but RL7, H335, and 748 all shoot well with 52 gr bullets. The H335 loads were something to shoot around dusk - a real fireball at the muzzle, but it shoots bug holes on the target.
Regards, Ron