Old Anschutz Model 54M


New member
Old Anschutz Model M54


I spotted a nice looking Annie M54 at my local (Australian) dealer. It has a BR stock with rail and adjustable cheek piece, custom bolt handle, wing safety and it's also single shot. It appears to have been well looked after but could not find any history. Price is within my budget.

I am thinking of purchasing this to use for local club competitions, so any points to check for when I give it a closer inspection?

Regards * Danny M *
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bolt internal- firing pin spring can wear scallops in the bore of the bolt leading to soft hits or random missfires due to spring hanging up, easy fix just need to polish out wear marks carefully, doesn't hurt to replace spring either. Barrel is choked, look for crown wear from improper cleaning light amount of re-crowning can usually take care of this. look for dryfire hits on the chamber, these can be ironed out or cleaned up in conjunction with this would be a new firing pin if it looks excessive. Unless someone has messed with the trigger just a good flushing with lighter fluid or similar is always a good idea. There should be no creep remembering that most are 2 stage and could be adjusted for single. there were also some set trigger units quite awhile back. Bolt should slide in action effortlessly if binding likely the bedding as the action can be easily stressed. OEM units were never bedded with any type of epoxy or such but as you stated it is in a br stock that would not apply here.
Anschutz M54


I spotted a nice looking Annie 54M at my local (Australian) dealer. It has a BR stock with rail and adjustable cheek piece, custom bolt handle, wing safety and it's also single shot. It appears to have been well looked after but could not find any history. Price is within my budget.

I am thinking of purchasing this to use for local club competitions, so any points to check for when I give it a closer inspection?

Regards * Danny M *

Go here and use their Search Engine, mucho info re Anschutz M54...

Annie M54

Thanks very much guys, some good info there.

The serial number and inspection data should help me date the action and make a decision.
The dealer has a bore scope which I am free to use, it has a factory HB btw.

Regards from Australia * Danny *
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couldn't help but notice

the change in the titles of your posts...big difference between a 64 and a 54....

the change in the titles of your posts...big difference between a 64 and a 54....

Sorry about that typo, it's definitely An M54 - I shall edit the typos. Now it's an M54.

I still appreciate all the help, so thanks again

Regards * Danny *
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