Okie Shooters Leg #2 OK State Championship



Just wanted to let you all know that our final Okie Shooter match of 2019 is approaching on June 29th & 30th. We will be shooting the Heavy Varmint an Unlimited portions of the OK State 3 & 4 Gun Championships, we will also have a 5-shot bag gun option for those who still wish to participate, but not have a railgun or shoot that many rounds through their barrels, though bag guns are welcomed to participate in the 10-shot portion. We will start at 12 noon. However, should anyone need further time for setup, I will push the start time to 1pm, no later. We will draw benches at 9am Saturday, open the range for practice at 9:45 (10am if necessary). Match fees are $50 a day or $100 for both days. on Friday the

I will also open the range for practice on Friday the 28th at noon. (later than normal due to un-forseen circumstance)

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