OK ..... where does one start


Mike S

I've shot some Rimfire Benchrest in the past .... I really liked the pursuit of accuracy, all of the "details", "measuring", "experimenting" and "theorizing" ..... but I didn't like the fact that I had no control on the accuracy of my ammo.

I miss shooting .... at this time I don't want to compete .... but I'd like to get back into spending lots of hours at the range "trying things", "recording data", "measuring velocities", and "trying to figure out those damn flags"

I don't have a centerfire benchrest rifle .... I do have a Chronograph, some reloading equipment/knowledge (played with hand loading a 223 and 308 before shooting rimfire benchrest), I have a bore scope, flags, rests, bags, stool, tools, cleaning equipment (for rimfire) ... etc. My gun club has a 100 yard and 200 yard range ..... that's the 2 distances that I will be shooting.

I've been trying to figure out where to start ....... started thinking about "assembling" a rifle .... Savage Target Action, High Quality Barrel .... probably in 6PPC, Bedding it myself .... now I'm having second thoughts on building it on a Savage Action.

Right now I DO NOT have a lathe ... but I could see myself buying one down the road .... I like to be able to NOT BE DEPENDANT on having a gunsmith make every little change that I may want ....

So the question is this ...... and I need the help of you guys out there that have been down this road .... what make the most sense? Where so I start? I don't want to spend a "TON" of money out of the gate .... I may end up getting there if I truly "get bit" but initially I think I'd like my investment to be less than $2000 .... not just for the rifle .... but to include not everything but at least the big tag items.

Any help would be greatly appreciated ..... I'm sure that I'll be asking some questions after I get advice .... I won't be arguing after asking but I probably will looking for "reasons" for a decision .....

Thanks ..... Mike
Adding some more to my original post ....

I starting looking at some of the disciplines .... I'd be shooting in the Northeast .... Vermont, New York and Pennsylvania ..... It's looking like the International Benchrest Shooters would offer the most locations .... so I printed out their Rules ..... going upstairs to read them now ..... but I guess another piece of information would be whether I want to shoot group or score and what class .... all of which I have no answers for right now ...

Mike, I'll second Eddie's suggestion on a good, used rig. The 'smiths that build these guns always know of a customer that has something for sale. You're in a great part of the country for making these connections..guys like Eddie, Jim Borden, Gary Long, etc, etc. may all be helpful in finding a gun with a proven track record. And Bob White has dozens of used BR guns for sale in his store.


Bruno's in Phoenix, Az. is always a good bet for quality used and new BR gun. Here's a few new ones that might be a good bet:


Since you're undecided on Score and/or Group competition, I'll stick my neck out and suggest a 10.5 lb. 6PPC with a 'dual' boltface action that will work with either the PPC or BR case head dimensions. Despite the 30's being the overwhelming choice for Score competition, a good 6PPC can hang right in there. And for Group competition, the 6PPC is the overwhelming choice.

If after a while you lean more toward the Score competition, a 'dual' b.f. action makes it easy to have a 30BR barrel fitted. Weight can be added to the back end of the stock to bring it up to 13.5 lbs. (Heavy Varmint) if you feel the need. At this time the VfS (Varmint for Score) class is run as one big class with both the 10.5 and 13.5 guns shooting together. The LV and HV guns are just seperated in terms of records.

Hope this helps. :) -Al
Read the rules a "little" plus Al's post ....

Al, what exactly is a "dual" boltface action?

And .... what scopes can be used on what rifles? Is the 6X Restriction only for Hunter/Varmint Hunter Classes? Two reasons .... 1st my preference is shooing through a higher power scope. 2nd I have a "used 1 year" Nigthforce 12-42x56 Benchrest Scope (Although it may be kinda heavy for a 10.5lb class)


PLEASE NOTE: I've changed from a Friends username to my own new one ..... looks like I'll be needing my own.
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Adding some more to my original post ....

I starting looking at some of the disciplines .... but I guess another piece of information would be whether I want to shoot group or score and what class .... all of which I have no answers for right now ...


Group and score are both challenging and fulfilling....as long as you are never satisfied with where you finished in the field.

Group shooting usually takes place over a 2 day tournament. This means traveling on Thursday (Friday AM at the latest) and getting set up. Then shooting the events Saturday and Sunday. then traveling back home Sunday evening/night or Monday depending on where and when you need to be Mondays.

Score shooting tournaments are usually one day events and require much less time away from home and family if that is a personal issue.
Score shooting tournaments are usually one day events and require much less time away from home and family if that is a personal issue.

That made it easier ..... Score Shooting then for sure (for matches anyway). I usually make the drive the day before a match and stay over the night before .... for sure I'd not be interested in stretching it into two nights. I'm a "rather be home kinda guy" .... and right now the wife "likes me being into shooting" but isn't interested for herself.

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,,,,what exactly is a "dual" boltface action?

Fred, a 'dual bolt face' will extract either the .445 (PPC) case head or the .473 BR cases. Some actions with an ejector need to be specific for a certain case head size..and some don't. Depends on the ejector setup used by the mfg.

.... what scopes can be used on what rifles?

The 6 Power scopes are the max. allowed for either the Hunter or Varmint Hunter classes.

The Varmint class guns (10.5 and 13.5) can use any power scope. If you've got a NF 12-42 BR scope, you've got a great scope to start with, though the scopes weight will put any sort of 'normally' built 10.5 gun over the weight limit. Which just makes it a HV gun....which is neither here nor there when it comes to shooting in Score tournaments.

Make sure and check with Kelbly's on used guns. A Panda makes a lot of sense for a lot of reasons.


Good shootin'. :) -Al
I checked out locations for where matches would likely be held in my area .... here's what I come up with

Camillus Sportsman Club .... 3 hours 45 minute drive
Dunham's Bay Fish and Game ... 2 hours 30 minute drive
Portville Benchrest Shooters .... 5 hours 25 minute drive
Fairchance Gun Club .... 7 hours 30 minute drive
South Creek Northern Tier Sportsman's Club .... 6 hours 15 minute drive
Union County Sport mans Club .... 4 hours drive
York IWLA .... 4 hours 30 minute drive
Caladonia Forest and Stream Club .... 5 hours Drive

Did I miss any that you guys are aware of?
Sulphyr Springs, PA, Bowmanstown, PA, Painted Post, NY., Mainville, PA, Canastota, NY
Where do you hail from? There's a club in Vermont I believe.

Actually, if you are concentrating on Score Shooting, the viable clubs are Caledonia, VT, Sulphyr Springs, Bowmanstown, and York ....all in PA, and Thurmont, and Mt. Airy both MD.
With that Nightforce BR you have a great start, esp. for the score game.
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Don't forget CT! Bell City is in Central CT and easy to get to. We will be having seven matches again this year and welcome all comers.
