I have taken a pretty good look at your forum board I have not found any stickies that pertain to the very unlearned and unwashed in the lore of accurate rifles. I am such a person. Although I have shot all of my life and I spent 10 years in the Army (in the Artillery and Infantry no less) I know almost nothing about rifles beyond how to adjust the point of strike and which end to poke in the ammunition. I don't hunt with a rifle; I just like to punch holes in paper. I have taught myself the very rudiments of reloading. I own a Remington 700 in .22 - 250 and Winchester Model 70 in .30 - '06. They both shoot OK. They will shoot about a 2.5" group at 100 yards. I know that both rifles will shoot much better than that but I don't know where to begin. Your forum doesn't have a stickie labeled "Bozoos, newbies and other assorted know nothings - start here". I looked. Could I prevail upon you gentlemen and ladies to give me a place to start or a list of things that I should read. I know that a dollar bill should fit between the stock and the barrel. it won't. I know that the trigger pull on both rifles sucks. I don't want to know everything right now. I just need some help on how to begin. I will offer this to all who read this post: I have helped others get started on their quests in the past and I will do so again. Whatever help that you give me I promise to pass along. Thank you Nicholas Jasper