oil profits


New member
For all that love the big oil companies,i would be ashamed to post profits they will have this year,we are getting fleeced to the bone and their profits will go up and over.
My car is parked,can;t afford to drive it at $4.00 per gal and bullets is out of sight,lead is coming down,copper is going up,i can only guess what kind of shape we will be in by this time next year,depression???????????
rhaney2........................................... ..........

I think most of us here feel the same way you do, but there's not much we can do short term.......long term we can put the pressure right now on the congress that will allow oil companies to drill in the U.S. We have got to seporate ourselves from the Arabs where most of the increase is coming from.

When we talk about profits, the oil companies precentage-wise are making much less than most profitable companies in the U.S., such as UPS or Federal Express.....rasing taxes on them will just be passed on to you and me......that's not the answer!!
I think most of us here feel the same way you do, but there's not much we can do short term.......long term we can put the pressure right now on the congress that will allow oil companies to drill in the U.S. We have got to seporate ourselves from the Arabs where most of the increase is coming from.

When we talk about profits, the oil companies precentage-wise are making much less than most profitable companies in the U.S., such as UPS or Federal Express.....rasing taxes on them will just be passed on to you and me......that's not the answer!!

I agree, but some of those or a lot of those profits should be plowed back into developing energy,maybe not so much fossil fuels but other fuels.
Yes,The low life Congress really go us into this mess and they will just argue us deeper into it.
I don't really see any hope unless we clean house and put new people in the congress and senate.
The oil companies are in the fossil fuel business not in alternative fuels. The alternative fuel companies should be doing that. I'd rather see them use their profits in new drilling and new refining.

I'd rather see the profits from bottled drinking water and inkjet printer ink be used for alternative fuels.

My .02,

"Aim small miss small",

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rhaney2........................................... ..........

I think every American ought to know what their congressman and senators vote for, and against!! If you check the records I think you would be surprised. I know Mrs. Dole from North Carolina is "First Class", but I don't keep up with your other senator and have no idea who your congressman is. You might want to do some checking and see what they have or haven't been doing for you!! Allot of Americans just vote along party lines assuming their representives in Washington are doing the right thing.......that's not always the case.